- Application of Similar Weighted Coefficient in Decision-making for Station Arrangement of Highway Transport Hub 加权相似系数在公路主枢纽站场布局决策中的应用
- Evaluation for Stations Arrangement of Highway Transport Hub on Principal Component Analysis 基于主成分分析的公路货运站场布局评价
- Forecast for the Volume of Freight Handled for Highway Transport Hub on Logistics System 基于物流系统的公路主枢纽货运适站量预测
- From transportation hub planning to planning regulation--The viewpoint to the trend of the structural adjustment for the highway transportation 由主枢纽规划到规划修编--对公路运输结构调整趋势的探讨
- highway transportation hub 公路运输枢纽
- highway transport hub planning 公路运输枢纽规划
- highway transport hub 公路运输枢纽
- This is the first city to use large transport hub. 这是本市第一个交付使用的大型交通枢纽。
- Today Xigaze rapid urban construction, highway transportation networks. 今天日喀则城市建设日新月异,公路交通四通八达。
- Sally and downs throughout the mountains, ravines horizon, Dayun Highway, south along the railway Tongpu Fenhe parallel and under, are in Shanxi Province of north-south transportation hub. 境仙群山起伏,沟壑纵横,大运公路、南同蒲铁路沿汾河并行而下,是山西南北交通运输之要冲。
- Highway transportation control receive a checkout pick-up document from the client. 公路运输调度从客户处接出库提货单证。
- The paper proposed a method called CSA-CJ which is adapt to find cut sets of huge highway transportation network. 提出了一种适合大型公路交通网络的割集搜索算法CSA -CJ。
- It is an important transportation hub and industrial center. Population,350,000. 它是重要的交通枢纽和工业中心。人口350,000。
- Increasing costs of highway transport let to resumption of the line, according to a railway maintenance official. 最近由于公路运输成本的增加,这条铁路于今年二月份又重新恢复运营。
- A city of west-central Iran southwest of Tehran. It is a transportation hub noted for its carpets. Population, 210, 000. 阿拉克伊朗中西部的一个城市,位于德黑兰西南。它是运输中心,以地毯闻名。人口210,000
- The highway transport structure is the mode and order in which of the highway system interacts and correlates. 公路运输结构是公路运输系统内部各要素之间相互联系、相互作用的方式或秩序。
- My county is located in upland and a mountainous area, be give priority to with highway transportation, waterage is complementary county. 我县地处丘陵山区,是个以公路运输为主、水路运输为辅的县份。
- Birmingham:a city of central England northwest of London. It is a major industrial center and transportation hub. 伯明翰:英国中部伦敦西北一城市,为主要工业中心和交通中心。
- Dubai is something of a regional transportation hub, and many airlines provide flights on a daily basis. 从某种程度上讲,迪拜是区域交通枢纽,许多航空公司每天都有往返于此的班次。
- Undertake the long-distance highway transportation and customs transfer transportation and other business for general trade, processing trade and investment equipments and etc. 承办一般贸易、加工贸易、投资设备等货物的长途公路运输,转关运输等业务。