- highway on mountain ridge 山岭
- He walked along the mountain ridge. 他顺着山脊走。
- Habitat and Ecology: On moist places in secondary forests of mountain ridge. 生境与生态:生于山顶次生林中潮湿的处。
- The thin mountain ridge on the reservoir left could be used as part of the dam. 其左岸的单薄分水岭既构成大坝坝肩岩体,蓄水后又成为一天然坝体。
- The Blue Highway on the Tamsui River! 可爱淡水河上的蓝色公路!
- He clipped along the highway on his motorcycle. 他骑着摩托车在公路上飞驰。
- We walked along the mountain ridge. 我们顺着山脊行走。
- Meow, I am used to walk on mountain road. 哦,俺是一只走惯了山路的猫。
- We walked along the narrow mountain ridge to reach the summit. 我们沿着狭窄的山脊爬向顶峰。
- Sunshine on mountaineers climbing a ridge on Anye Machin mountain in the Anye Machin Range, China. 阿尼玛卿的攀登,阿尼玛卿,亦称玛积雪山,坐落在青海省果洛藏族自治洲境内,主峰为海拔6282米的玛卿岗日。
- After a bus had rumbled past, an unusual, ominous silence fell upon the highway on the hillside . 对河山腰上的汽车公路,一乘长途汽车驰过以后,便比平日还要静寂,简直静寂得可怕。
- Men trip not on mountains! They trip on molehills. 人不是被大山绊倒,而是被鼠丘绊倒。
- The article discusses the effective methods to protect environment in the construction of highway on desert edge. 论述了在沙漠公路边缘公路建设中该如何进行环境保护的有效方法。
- The path winds along mountain ridges. 峰回路转。
- Will the highways on the Internet become more few? 英特网上的高速公路会变得更少吗?
- It is to enter hill to search dragon above all, be in winding in fluctuant numerous mountain ridge. 是首先入山寻龙,在蜿蜒起伏的众多山岭中。
- To be favor on mountaineering, gym, tour and photography. 喜欢登山,健身,旅游,摄影。
- From gold mountain ridge (Jin Shan guesthouse parking lot) to how many kilometres of Shima platform reservoir? 从金山岭(金山宾馆停车场)到司马台水库多少公里?
- West-to-East Mountain Ranges, including the Tianshan-Yinshan-Yanshan Mountain Ridge, the Kunlun-Qinling-Dabie Mountain Ridge and the Nanling Ridge. 东西走向:天山-阴山-燕山山系;昆仑山-大别山 山系和南岭山系。
- It fails in desert regions, on mountain summits, in far northern and southern latitudes. 在沙漠地区,在山岳地带,在南北高纬度处,它就相形见绌了。