- The highway construction project fast development, commented the work to the link to set a higher request. 公路建设项目的快速发展,给环评工作提出了更高的要求。
- So, as to the economic development of Liuyang City, it is very necessary to carry out the exploitation of "Four Lines" Highway Construction Project. 因此,对于浏阳市的经济发展来说,“四线”公路建设项目开发十分必要,本文正是立足于这一现实背景来展开研究的。
- Appraise think LUOHE to the influence of leveling very mountain highway construction project for ecological environment is limited, its construction development is feasible. 评价认为漯河至平顶山高速公路建设项目对生态环境的影响是有限的,其建设开发是可行的。
- Probe into the Cost Control of the Highway Construction Project 公路建设项目成本控制探讨
- Article 3 The principle of openness, fairness, impartiality, good faith and choosing the best shall be observed in the competitive bidding of investors of commercial highway construction projects. 第三条经营性公路建设项目投资人招标投标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正、诚信、择优的原则。
- Study of the evaluation of highway construction project target durative 公路建设项目目标持续性评价研究
- Analysis on Three Objectives'Control in Highway Construction Project 公路工程建设项目的三大目标控制
- Introduction to Software RoadEIA in EIA of Highway Construction Project 公路建设项目环境影响评价软件RoadEIA介绍
- Starting with 40 environmental protecting acceptance check reportsof highway construction projects, number of sensitive points, noise values and noise control measures in EIA were compared, with which after highway been constructed . 从所选的40条公路的竣工环境保护验收报告入手,对公路建成后与环境影响评价阶段噪声敏感点的数量变化、噪声实测值与环评预测值的差异、实际的噪声防治措施与环评确定措施的差异进行了对比分析。
- Archives of highway construction projects 公路工程建设项目档案
- Somehow the engineers screwed up the entire construction project. 不知怎么搞的,工程师把整个工程计划弄得一塌糊涂。
- Four Stages Cost Control for Highway Construction Projects 公路建设项目四阶段工程造价控制
- Study of public participation in environmental impact post assessment of highway construction project 公路建设项目环境影响后评价公众参与研究
- Analysis of Current Status and Countermeasures Against Excess of Design Estimation of Highway Construction Project 公路建设项目超设计概算的现状分析与对策
- Research on Method of Acoustic Environmental Post Assessment of Highway Construction Project and lts Application 公路建设项目声环境后评价方法研究及其应用
- The highway construction project link comments Several important question which must pay attention 公路建设项目环评中须关注的几个重要问题
- Research on the Influence of the Induced Traffic on the Benefit of the Highway Construction Project 诱增交通量对公路建设项目效益影响研究
- Calculation of Economic Evaluation Interior Earning Ratio for Highway Construction Project and Realizing by Computer 公路建设项目经济评价内部收益率计算及计算机实现
- The local government raised large sums for highway construction. 地方政府为建设公路筹措了巨额款项。