- highly random distribution 高度无规分布
- Those with a random distribution of configuration are termed atactic. 构型无规分布的聚合物叫无规聚合物。
- Random distribution is found in miliary tuberculosis and pulmonary metastasis. 随机分布的见于粟粒型肺结核和肺部转移。
- The distribution pattern of oak is from clumped to random distribution. 在演替过程中,蒙古栎分布格局聚集分布的聚集程度逐渐降低,并向随机分布的方向发展。
- The low and the middle and high frequency components of the distorted wavefront in the high power laser system can be described by use of RMS gradient and uniform random distribution respectively. 先利用三个较远的衍射面及输入面上的强度信息,重构出强激光波前的以均方根梯度来描述的低频成分;
- HRCT shows numerous miliary nodules in diffuse and random distribution in both lungs. HRCT见两肺弥漫性随机分布的粟粒样多发结节。
- We move the Roll method out of app. Jsl and create a RandomRoll class, randomroll. Jsl, representing the random distribution strategy. 我们将Roll方法移到app.;jsl外面;并且创建了RandomRoll类(randomroll
- The results were as follows: of 47 Amanita species, 11 species belonged to clumped distribution and 36 species belonged to random distribution. 结果表明,47个鹅膏属种群,有1/4属于集群分布类型,有3/4属于随机分布类型。
- In patients with innumerable metastases, a uniform distribution throughout the lung (i.e. a "random distribution") can be seen. 若结节数量极多,则均匀分布于全肺(即随机分布)。
- The System's main features include real random distribution of scripts at the national level, real-time monitoring of scoring, and assured quality control of raters. 该系统的特点是它能做到作文卷的真正随机分发,对阅卷行为的实时监控和对阅卷员的质量控制。
- The results of these experiments show some tendency of the dynamic performance in the process,and there is also high randomness in it. 试验结果表明了一些细沟侵蚀的趋势性规律,也反映出其中存在较强的随机性。
- Random distribution of sagging structure on the surface of substrate is used to induce random screw axes of the chiral liquid crystal, which not only causes blue shift of Bragg reflection but also further stretches the reflection spectra. 基片表面的凹凸结构用于诱导液晶螺旋轴的斜向随机分布,以利用倾斜螺旋结构布拉格反射的蓝移现象,进一步展宽布拉格反射谱。
- Formulations of stability calculation of landslides are presented by the improvement of the force analysis of soil slices with random distribution of pore water pressure in slip zone. 通过对滑坡土条的受力分析进行改进,建立起能考虑滑带内存在任意孔隙水压分布情况下的稳定性计算公式。
- The average value of neighborhood pattern of the stand is 0.583, displaying a clumped distribution in structure, and that for C. coggygria is 0.499, representing a random distribution. 林分角尺度频率值为0.;583,林分接近团状分布,而黄栌角尺度频率值为0
- Based on random distribution of interior defect,a damage constitutive model for soil-structure interface is developed by using the continuous intension and statistical theory herein. 结合连续强度理论和统计理论,从接触面内部缺陷分布的随机性出发,首次建立了土与结构物接触面的统计损伤本构模型。
- Application of this method in the public transit planning of Anqing city has indicated that the predicting model is a practical way with high precision and computing speed, especially with high randomness. 该方法预测精度高、计算速度快、使用方便,特别适用于随机性强的城市公交线网日客流预测,并已在安庆市公共交通规划中得到应用,证明是较为实用的方法。
- Financial time series has high randomicity and nonlinearity.Neural network is quite suitable in the process of financial time series data for its good ability of nonlinear mapping and generalization. 金融时间序列具有很强的随机性和非线性性,而神经网络具有良好的非线性映射能力及自适应、自学习和良好的泛化能力,因此非常适合处理金融时间序列这样的数据。
- The elastic modul of short fibre composite material whose fibre s volume and direction are random distributed is calculated by means of the random medium micromechanics method. 利用随机介质微观力学方法对纤维大小、方向随机分布的短纤维复合材料弹性模量进行了计算。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- It's highly probable that they will win the match. 他们很可能会赢这场比赛。