- A straight-line matrix is simply a one level payment system. 倍增是一个简单的支付系统。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- Our effort is geared to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- Are high level alarms independent of the gauging system? 高位报警器是否独立于测量系统。
- The lower level is subordinate to the higher level. 下级服从上级。
- Are clear written guidelines issued on the payment system? 有否就付款系统制定指引,并定期检讨及修订?
- Are audit logs accessible only by high level system administrators auditors? 审查记录是否只供高层系统行政审查人员查阅?
- Cannot overwrite higher level transactions. 不允许覆盖高等级的事务。
- Based on the policy of separate payment system for outpatient and inpatient services, individual account could not afford such a high expenditure. 可以减少参保者为了获得统筹支付而住院的比例,对提高基金使用效率、缓解慢性病人费用负担均有较好的作用。
- Higher level of seed coat fragments. 籽屑碎片太多。
- Request higher level due to CB and turbulence. 请求上升高度层,因雷雨云和颠簸。
- This allows you to buy their goods using the CashRamSpam micro payment system. 同时,只要拥有CashRamSpam金钥匙的商家都允许您通过这一系统购买它们的商品。
- The higher level storage extent. 高等级存储范围。
- Access control, car parks, AFC, One Card solution , payment system etc. 应用领域:门禁,停车场,AFC,一卡通,支付系统
- They were determined to press their case at the highest level. 他们决定把他们那事向最高层反映。
- To raise to a higher level;upgrade. 提高提升到一较高水平;上升
- China has a high level of civilization. 中国有高度的文明。
- Banking financial institutions handling specified business may only accede to the high value payment system upon the approval of the People's Bank of China. 办理特定业务的银行业金融机构,经中国人民银行批准后可仅加入大额实时支付系统。
- Higher level of trust and surrender. 将信任与服从的层次拉高。
- The HKMA has worked closely with the banking community to enhance the robustness of Hong Kong's interbank payment system. 金管局与银行界紧密合作,务求令香港银行同业支付系统更趋健全。