- The Demand Analysis of Agricultural Higher Technological Talents in Liaoning New Countryside Construction 辽宁新农村建设对农业高技能人才需求分析
- higher technological talents 高技能人才
- Practical teaching is an important loop for fostering applied technological talents. 摘要实践教学是培养应用型技术人才的重要环节。
- This is because science and technology talent are usually people of higher education,they need to have a living environment that is rich in culture. 因为科技人才多数是受高等教育的一群,他们需要有一个具有文化气息的生活环境。
- High technology has its two sides to us. 高新技术对我们既有利又有弊。
- Beijing Tai Sheng High Technology Co., Ltd. 北京太盛高科技有限公司。
- The profit in high technology is very high. 高科技的收益很高。
- Chengdu Boshen High Technology Material. 成都博深高技术材料开发有限公司。
- This is because science and technology talent are usually people of higher education, they need to have a living environment that is rich in culture. 因为科技人才多数是受高等教育的一群,他们需要有一个具有文化气息的生活环境。
- Accounting of high technology e. 高新技术企业会计。
- The High Technology Crime Investigation. 高科技罪行调查协会。
- Shanghai Medical Instruments High Technology Corp. 上海医疗器械高技术公司。
- Anhui High Technology Industry Investment Co., Ltd. 安微省科技产业投资有限公司。
- He is an expert of high technology. 他是高技术专家
- The impact on cultural environment to technological talent is imperceptible and even decisive,the aggregation effect of technological talent is also be impacted by cultural environment. 文化环境对科技型人才的影响是潜移默化甚至是决定性的,科技型人才聚集效应产生与提升同样要受到文化环境的影响。
- Developing new and high technology industries ? 大力发展高新技术产业。
- Developing new and high technology industries? 大力发展高新技术产业。
- First of all,our country demands a higher technological content from the inflow of capitals. 首先,国家对于进入内地市场的资金,提出了要有更多高科技技术含量的要求。
- The investment is mainly used to construct HNC technology produced development environment and train and select high-level HNC technology talents. 投资主要用于HNC技术产品化开发环境的建设和HNC高级技术人才的培训和遴选。
- A growing number are heading for jobs in high technology. 一大批工商管理硕士将进入高技术领域工作。