- We calculated safety factor of slope covered by galvanized wire net.We also considered potential deficiency of stability when planting material ejecting method applied to high steep rock slope. 计算了坡面绿化中镀锌铁丝网对边坡稳定性的作用,考虑了厚层基材喷射绿化方法应用在岩质高陡边坡上可能存在的稳定性不足。
- The major engineering geology problems cover regional tectonic stability, high crustal stress of the dam area, stability of high steep rock slope, and stability of powerhouse cavern. 拉西瓦水电站主要工程地质问题包括区域构造稳定性、坝区高地应力场、高陡岩质边坡稳定性、厂房洞群围岩稳定性等。
- Numerical simulation demonstrates that DEM has its advantages over other numerical methods in computing the FOS, determining slip surface of jointed rock slope and considering the influences of flow in fractured network on the stability of rock slope. 数值结果说明,与其它数值方法相比,离散元方法在计算节理岩质边坡的安全系数、确定边坡滑动面位置和考虑裂隙渗流对边坡稳定的影响分析方面具有较大的优势。
- The Reinforcement Effect of Bolt in Jointed Rock Slope 节理边坡锚杆加固效应分析
- The stability of the jointed rock slopes is analyzed by means of the universal distinct element code(UDEC) in which the strength reduction method is included. 摘要将通用离散元UDEC与强度折减法结合,对含多结构面的岩质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。
- high steep rock slope 岩质高陡边坡
- This study can provide scientific guidance for the effective protection of rockfall hazards in high steep slope in the open-pit mine. 研究结果表明,该方案对落石的拦截率达到100%25,对露天矿高陡边坡落石灾害的有效防治具有重要意义。
- high-steep jointed rock slope 高陡节理岩质边坡
- jointed rock slope 节理岩体边坡
- Constructing first-class highway in mountainous area inevitably to carry on deep cuts and high fills-in, which can form massive high steep roadbeds side slope or the slope of embankment. 摘要在山区修筑高等级公路不可避免地进行深挖高填,会形成大量的高陡路基边坡或者路堤边坡。
- The aseismatic stability of abutment jointed rock mass is the key problem of high arch dam. 高拱坝体型设计是关系到大坝安全和经济的关键技术问题。
- joint rock slope 含节理岩质边坡
- rockfall hazard in high steep slope 落石
- Giani,G.P.,Rock Slope Stability Analysis,A.A.Balkema,1992. 张有天、周维垣;岩石高边坡的变形与稳定;中国水利水电出版社;北京;1999年4月.
- Screen on the right side of a high rock slope, a Qiaojiao cornices, ornate King-ting, "bin Sanjeong. 屏山岩右侧高坡,有一飞檐翘角,装饰华丽的景亭,名为“宾山亭”。
- Fourthly, the prestack time migration is introduced in AVO inversion to improve AVO techniques to meet the needs of the gas/water prediction of high steep complicated structure. 第四,针对高陡复杂构造的特点,在AVO反演中引入了叠前时间偏移的思想,将AVO技术进行了改进,有效地适应了高陡复杂构造的气水预测;
- A time history analysis method for calculating the dynamic stability safety factor of high rock slope under excavation blasting is proposed. 提出一种计算岩质高边坡爆破开挖情况下动力稳定性安全系数的时程分析方法。
- This article emphasizes a prediction of overbreak,the unstable wedge, for openings in jointed rock mass. 本文着重于岩体中洞室超挖-不稳定楔形体的预测。
- Because of this belt of the Mesozoic granites of the groundwater of the jointed rock cracks, water-spring. 因这一带系中生代花岗岩,地下水附存于岩体的节理裂缝之中,积水成泉。