- high speed railway network 高速铁路网
- In the surveying works for the high speed railways,the plane survey and the vertical control are of the first importance for successful construction of a high speed rai... 本文对高速铁路的平面和高程控制精度进行了论证和推导,以期为我国高速铁路勘测、设计、施工、维修提供理论上的依据。
- The behaviour of two maglevs encountering with a relative velocity of nearly 1000 km/h at a very little distance (planned to be less than with high speed railways) has never been tested. 最后,磁悬浮车厢要比火车宽,而且会车时速度要比火车高。
- Life Service of High Speed Railways in Japan 日本高速铁路的全寿命维护
- The Issue on Windside in High Speed Railways 高速铁路上的侧风问题
- Keyword: high speed railway; vertical curve section; contact wire; sag; setting. 关键词:高速铁路;竖曲线地段;接触线;弛度;设置
- Operation cost account is a critical aspect of high speed railway construction and its economy benefit evaluation. 摘要运营成本计算是高速铁路建设和经济效益评价的关键问题之一。
- Method: use the cyaniding high speed railway method to order the inside to 5 inquisitio ns is young to proceed the hemoglobin the measurement. 方法:用氰化高铁法对5个调查点中的2402名儿童少年进行血红蛋白测定。
- The construction of high speed railway marks a new era for CR's forward-leaping development in terms of technology, manufacturing, operation and management. 要坚持引进消化吸收再创新,通过实施这一项目,攻克和掌握高速铁路建设的关键设备和核心技术。
- Study of Through Truss Composite Bridges on High Speed Railways 高速铁路下承式钢桁结合桥研究
- The construction site of Zuoying station of Taiwan High Speed Railway, Kaohsiung, April 2004.It is the second large staion along Taiwan South-North High Speed Railway. 图片说明: 2004年4月,高雄市高铁左营站工程进度赶工中,完工之后,将成为台湾南北高速铁路沿线第二大车站。
- Kaohsiung Main Station is the only station co-constructed with Taiwan Railway and Taiwan High Speed Railway, whereas Zuoying Station is co-shared but not co-constructed with them. 与台铁、高铁三铁共构之捷运车站为高雄车站;而左营站则与台铁、高铁共站但不共构。
- She gave me a diagram of railway network. 她给了我一张铁路网图解。
- This bridge type is adopted in this document for the overcrossing point of Peking super major bridge over South NO. 3 Loop Road in Jing-Hu High Speed Railway. 3、通过桥面构造研究和有限元计算分析,对正交异性板桥面和纵横梁体系桥面进行了对比分析;
- The design of the streamlined cab of the railway car running in line NO. 3 of Dalian high speed railway traffic is presented,and the steel structure and interior decoration of the cab are presented emphatically. 简述了大连市快速轨道交通3号线车辆流线型司机室的设计,重点介绍了司机室钢结构和内部装饰。
- After the analysis of the operation cost characteristics and composing in high speed railway, the methods and means of activity-based costing of operation cost account were put forward. 本文通过对高速铁路条件下运营成本的特点、构成状况的分析,采用作业成本法核算高速铁路的运营成本的原理、方法。
- All of the High Speed Railway (HSR) systems around the world used single phase voltage to the trains, and adopted three-phase to two-phase special transformer to supply electric power. 摘要: 世界各国的高速铁路(HSR)均以单相电源供给列车使用, 大部份是采用三相对两相的特殊接法变压器来供电;
- VBNS? Very high speed Backbone Network Services? 甚高速骨干网络服务系统?
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。