The orgy culminates when the nanoprocessors are loaded into one unlucky woman who is promptly incinerated by the heat of the nano-orgy that ensues in her bloodstream. 当奈米处理器被载入一名不幸的女子体内,达到最高量时,这名女子立刻因为奈米液在血液内所导致的高热而化为灰烬。
It is a herpes virus that causes roseola -- an infection marked by high fever and the usual vague virus symptoms that may include respiratory or stomach problems. 疱疹病毒一般会导致红疹,这种感染是伴随着高热和不大明确的病毒症状比如可能是呼吸道和胃肠疾病。
They have received notice of high temperature. 他们已经接到了高温的预警通知。
The thick glass of this tea table can endure high temperatures. 这个茶几的玻璃砖是耐高温的。