- The scalable EBC has high throughput and high area efficiency. 可延展性嵌入式区块编码架构有著高产出速率与低价格的优势。
- Heart high area from broadness, altruistic article from tall. 德高境自阔 ,无私品自高。
- The ESMA capacitor used a NiOOH positive electrode with a highsurface- area carbon negative electrode in an aqueous potassium hydroxide electrolyte. 这种电极的容量远大于负极的,成为限制放电深度的电极。在低放电深度下,镍电极有长的循环寿命能够为长循环寿命的设备提供保证。
- V4 Missiles are the perfect base buster, doing a high amount of explosive damage, with high area of effect. V4导弹是完美的拆基地武器,它可以在大范围内造成大量的爆破伤害。
- Uranous chroma is enough high area has man of Guduguda, Po, Na Erwo berth to breath out, Tulamudi and Baguda. 铀浓度足够高的地区有贾杜古达、珀丁、纳尔沃泊哈、图拉姆迪和巴贾塔等。
- What I mean is that they have surprisingly high area damage for a predominantly melee class.They have a pet.They have interrupts, (reverse) gap-closers, and strong snares. 我的意思是,他们有让人惊讶的高近战伤害,他们有宠物,打断,(逆向)接近,和强大的陷阱。
- The impact of Northern Hemisphere polar vortex area and Eurasian meridional circulation on the epidemic of wheat power mildew is negative, while the impact of Indiaburman trough and West Pacific Subtropical high area is positive. 北半球极涡面积和欧亚经向环流对我国小麦白粉病流行影响为负效应,印缅槽和西太平洋副热带高压面积对我国小麦白粉病流行影响为正效应;
- A metal-backed cup with a polyethylene liner reduces the high areas of stress and distributes the stresses more eenly. 金属帽配以聚乙烯内衬可降低高应力区的应力并使应力分布更为均匀。
- Portamento downlink performance, taken from the high areas to the rhythm of bass with the designated areas specified interval uniform sliding down within the law. 下行滑音演奏,采取了从高音区至低音区指定节奏与指定音程内的下行匀速滑动法。
- Large Area Carbon Nanofibres Cathode For Field Emission Display 用于场发射显示的大面积碳纳米纤维阴极
- Higher area is projected for Argentina despite increased corn planting as producers increase second crop soybean production and continue to expand plantings on to pasture land. 尽管阿根廷二季大豆产量有所上升,且牧场面积也进一步扩大,但美国农业部仍预计阿根廷的大豆播种面积会上升。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The persistent sea invasion pressed Wu-Lao-Keng tribe gave up the resources of seacoast and chosed burned-cultivation instead and took up their residence in the higher area of plain. 反覆的海侵,迫使武?坑系统放弃海岸资源,选择以烧垦的方式居住在平原较高处。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。
- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群众中享有很高威信。