- My uncle Albert always has "high tea". 我舅舅阿伯特总吃“正式茶点”。
- Daily high tea in the afternoon. 行政酒廊每天免费提供下午茶。
- The vicar's wife has asked us round to high tea on Thursday. 教区牧师的妻子邀请我们星期四去用傍晚茶。
- Elisabeth: So early? Six o'clock or thereabouts is high tea time. 伊莉萨白:这么早?六点钟左右才是吃傍晚茶时间。
- Elisabeth: No, no. I think you‘re mixing up high tea and afternoon tea. 伊莉萨白:不对,不对,你一定是把傍晚茶和下午茶混为一谈了。
- High tea: n. A fairly substantial meal that includes tea and is served in the late afternoon or early evening. 下午茶下午或傍晚前进食的非常丰富的餐食包括茶水。
- High tea consists of a light, cold meal or baked goods, followed by a more substantial meal later in the evening. “茶餐”包含清淡的冷食或烘焙食品,之后晚上再接着吃一顿较为丰盛的餐食。
- Then retreat to a bygone age with high tea on the verandah of the luxurious colonial-style hotel, Carcosa Seri Negara. 然后回到过去的年代,端一杯下午茶,坐在豪华的、具有殖民风格喀克沙酒店阳台上细细品味。
- Executive Lounge provides complementary High Tea and Cocktails for VIPs living in Executive Floors and Royal Land members. 行政酒廊为行政楼层贵宾以及邦臣国际君临天下会员的专署,提供精美下午茶和餐前鸡尾酒。
- Like verdancy tea Wen Zhi has the sweet smell of Yue bazoo, quality jumps over high tea, fragrance is more full-bodied and tangy. 如新绿茶闻之有悦鼻的香气,质量越高的茶叶,香味越浓郁扑鼻。
- Alongside the menu selection of salads and sandwiches there is a special offering of a High Tea and a Parisian Rose Morning Tea. 这里有色拉和三明治可供选择,还有特别泡制的高茶和巴黎玫瑰早茶。
- From high tea at a dairy farm to a homestyle meal with a local legend, travel through Chile to explore native foods prepared with European influence. 结合智力本土文化和欧洲技术结果会得到什么?今天的节目内容有...临海昆泰村的古早味食谱,智利式下午茶,探索马铃薯的发源地,圣地牙哥式的高级料理。
- This fashionable custom soon evolved into high tea among the working classes,where this late afternoon repast became the main meal of the day. 这种时髦的风俗很快便演变成上班一族的下午茶,这种午后餐点也成为一天中的主餐。
- In Great Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, people prefer a spot of tea during their tea break in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon, and later on at home, they have high tea in the early evening. (在英国、新西兰和澳洲,那里的人喜欢在早上9点到10点或下午3点到4点的喝茶时间来上一杯茶,而稍后在黄昏时则在家中享用“茶餐”。
- Traditionally eaten early evening, High tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet foods, such as , cakes, buns or tea breads, , such as cheese on toast, , cold meats and pickles or poached eggs on toast. 高茶一般是在黄昏的时候吃,是比较正规的一顿饭,可口甜食物,譬如,蛋糕、小圆面包或茶面包,与譬如乳酪多士,、冷盘和腌汁或荷包蛋多士。
- And black tea, be considered as normally those are offerred after grade not high tea ferments so foolish that want the tea that swallows tea-leaf to change almost outside civilian swig. 而红茶,通常被认为是将品级不高的茶发酵后供那些傻得几乎要把茶渣都吞下去的茶叶化外之民牛饮。
- Workers coming home from factories made “high tea” their early supper, eating toad-in-the-hole(sausages cooked in a pancake-like batter), or Welsh rarebit(a melted cheese mixture served on toast). 下班回家的工人把“下午茶”当作早一点的晚餐,吃面糊烤香肠(裹上面糊烤的香肠)或者威尔士干酪吐司(熔化的干酪糊抹在吐司上)。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。