- Are you sure you want help from a high schooler? 你在加拿大读书,可以加入我们的翻译团队吗?
- Man,I can't believe a High schooler is such ababy! 天啊,我真不相信一个高中生竟像个婴孩一样。
- Man,I can't believe a High schooler is such ababy! 天啊,我真不相信一个高中生竟像个婴孩一样。
- What do you do if you feel like that high schooler? 要是你对这位高中生的话产生共鸣,你会怎么办呢?
- They found that 1.2 million high schoolers drop out each year. 他们发现每年有120万的高中生辍学。
- At times, I feel like I am playing this game with high schoolers and younger. 我意思是最近我在想我玩这个游戏是不是已经年纪太大了。
- Physicians: 'Blood and Guts' Anatomy Course for High Schoolers Could Desensitize Students. 医生认为:血腥暴力的高中解剖课程让学生们麻木。
- Few things are more stressful in the morning than waking up an overtired fifth grader or a snoring high schooler. 拥抱你的孩子。没有多少事情比早上醒来时的过度疲劳的五年级学生或者打鼾高中生让人更有压力。
- Many supporters say the subject fits high schoolers, but opponents claim it should not encourage high schoolers to idolize celebrities. 众多支持者认为这种题很适合中学生,而反对者却认为不应该鼓励中学生追星。
- This is not your father's Latin, which was taught to elite college-bound high schoolers and drilled into them through memorization. 这当然不是你父辈那时的拉丁语。那时学拉丁语的都是想上大学、学习拔尖的高中生,通过死记硬背、反复操练来学习。
- Is high schooler us should study well, is Shantou the first a minute that does not come force! 作为中学生的我们应好好学习,为汕头的未来出一分力!
- Three Chicago high schoolers drowned after sneaking away from the camp in the middle of the night and launching paddle boats. 三名芝加哥的高中生半夜逃离露营团队并驾船走的时候溺水身亡。
- For the television series, Maki will play a total of 12 different roles, such as a wife, a cabaret club hostess, and a high schooler. 为电视连续剧,真将发挥共12个不同的角色,如妻子,歌舞俱乐部的女主人,以及高高中生。
- The high schoolers found everything from pigeons and Pomeranians to an invasive latrine fly and what looks to be at least a new subspecies of cockroach. 他们找到的东西五花八门,有鸽子、博美狗、灰腹厕蝇(入侵物种)和看起来至少属于新亚种的蟑螂。
- It is partial of 3th , ideological morals lesson teaching in the role for that high schooler improves personality training. 第三部分,论述思想品德课教学在对中学生健全人格培养的主渠道作用。
- Tragedy structured in a camping retreat trip, three Chicago high schoolers drowned after sneaking away from the camp in the middle of the night and launching paddle boats. 一次闲适的野营之旅却酿成一场悲剧。芝加哥三名中学生深夜偷偷溜出去开动脚踏船准备出游,却不幸溺水而亡。
- Alicia Silverstone sparkles as Cher, the matchmaking 15-year-old Beverly Hills High schooler who has shopping and boys on her mind, but mostly shopping. 而她身旁的同学皆是打扮入时的富家子弟,争艳斗丽互不相让。
- If I generate 16 pounds of clothing in a week, I imagine that a middle schooler or high schooler could easily create 14 to 15 pounds of clothing in a week. 如果我每周会换16磅的要洗的衣服,我可以想象一个中学生或是高中生每周很轻易就可以制造出14到15磅的换洗衣服。
- So he seeks out the help of the genius junior high schooler Michiko who is known as the "exam god" for her abilities as a tutor to help his son pass the entrance exam. 本剧透过讲述俩父子挑战中学考试,为了亲情、友情、追求目标而努力的过程,深刻反映中学考试的现状...........
- This paper mainly discusses the significance, concepts, general framework and technical issues of rural ethnic high schoolers' psychological adaptation from an acculturational perspective. 本文主要论述了农村民族学生涵化与心理适应研究的意义、设计的概念与理论框架以及应注意的技术问题。