- Due to the high water head of the GHS, the design unit put forward a suggestion of using the pre stressed reinforced concrete spiral case. 高坝洲水电站由于设计水头较高,设计单位建议采用预应力钢筋混凝土蜗壳。
- The pre stressed anchoring piles aere used to controll large-scale landslides and creat flats to build. 本文论述了预应力锚拉桩在库区大型滑坡防治中的应用成果 ,这种方法不仅能有效地控制滑坡体的稳定性 ,同时 ,也能根据移民工程要求提供适宜的建设用地 ;
- The acceptance test results showed that the construction of pre stressed anchorage cable of permanent ship lock meets the requirements of design. 验收试验成果表明,永久船闸预应力锚索的施工符合设计要求。
- The concrete spiral case of the GHS is reinforced with the pre stressed anchorage cable, which is the first case in China. 高坝洲水电站混凝土蜗壳采用预应力锚索加固,这在国内尚属首例,其预应力锚索包括水平环向锚索和垂直竖向锚索。
- In three desilting tunnels of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project, over 70% tunnel wall were lined with non cohesive pre stressed concrete by the post tensioning method. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的3条排沙洞,洞身70%25以上采用后张法无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌。
- Abstract: In order to satisfy the requirements of both ultimate limit state and servicing limit state unbonded partially pre stressed concrete flexural members must be reasonably designed. 摘 要: 为满足承载能力极限状态及正常使用极限状态的要求,必须对无粘结部分预应力混凝土受弯构件进行合理设计。
- continuous pre stressed reinforced concrete beam 预应力混凝土连续梁
- pre stressed lauice shell structure 预应力网壳结构
- drilling with compressive pre stress 预压应力钻削
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- Research and application of high pre - clamping bolt fitted mounting apparatus 高预紧力锚杆配套安装机具的研究应用
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。
- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群众中享有很高威信。
- The dresses in the shop are priced high. 这家商店的衣服定价很高。