- The High Over Load Simulation Test of No. 41 Stab Delay Detonator in Bore 41号针刺延期雷管膛内过载模拟试验
- A high over southern Europe is brought fine sunny weather to all parts. 欧洲南部上空的反气旋给各地区带来了晴朗的好天气。
- The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。
- A high over southern Europe is bringing fine sunny weather to all parts. 欧洲南部上空的反气旋给各地区带来了晴朗的好天气。
- Policy risk remains high over the short term. 短期内政策风险仍然较高。
- The mansion is on a promontory, high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。
- CTY1C is channel section doorframe stacker,Don't sideload and over load. CTY1C为槽钢门架装卸车,绝不可偏载超载使用。
- The Lord is great in Zion; he is high over all the nations. 耶和华在锡安为大。他超乎万民之上。
- The sky was blue, the larks was soaring high over the green corn. 长天一片澄蓝,碧绿的庄稼上云雀凌空穿飞。
- The mansion is on a promontory,high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。
- The mansion was on a promontory,high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地坐落于太平洋的一个海角上。
- The vultures fly high over my fortress. Turn your gaze towards me. 秃鹫高高盘旋在我得城堡上面,需要你的关注。
- Salifou's shot from distance sailed high over Switzerland's bar. 第62分钟:萨里夫的远射高出瑞士队门楣。
- The skyscraper rears high over the neighboring buildings. 摩天大楼高高地俯视邻近的建筑。
- Time delay, the protection of water shortage, the control and display of high and low pressure, the control and display of temperature, the protectionof over load, the oil heating, the errors display and so on. 机内设置高压保护、低压保护、过流过载保护、时间延时、相序保护、缺相保护、缺水保护、联锁控制等安全保护装置。
- TOYO Control LTD., 1992, “Over Load Checker for Crane”, Japan TOYO Control LTD. 王守怡;1997;“起重机过捲预防装置之设计制作;”硕士论文;淡江大学.
- With the perfect protection functions in over voltage, under voltage, over heat, over current, over load, safe and reliable. 具有完善的过压,欠压,过热,过流,过载自动保护功能,安全可靠。
- Taking the rope between the teeth,he hung high over the ring in the big tent. 他用呀咬着,高高地悬挂在那个大的帐篷里圆形表演场的一根绳子上。
- To avoid the over load of administrative work and ensure the quality of accommodations, the owners should observe the rules within the quarantine area. 本区业务繁忙,饲主请配合各项书面规定及口头要求,以确保所有犬猫在院生活品质及本区工作效率。