- high oil com 高油玉米
- How Long Can The High Oil Price Last? 高油价还能持续多久?
- Is high oil price still a problem? 短线观点:高油价还是问题吗?
- High oil prices have brought new attention to OPEC. 高油价使OPEC再次引人注目。
- This is happening now with high oil prices. 这正是现在发生的高价油事件。
- High oil prices have driven up fuel costs. 高油价抬高了燃料费用。
- The outlook is clouded by persistently high oil and food prices. 经济前景受到持续走高的石油和食品价格的影响。
- Another cause of high oil prices is the weak American dollar. 另一个引起石油高价的原因就是美元的疲软。
- HK) is burnt the international high oil price is slighter. HK)受国际高油价灼伤则更轻微。
- As a now oil crop, the high oil corn has an expansive application prospect. 摘要高油玉米籽粒的含油量高达7%25~10%25,作为一种新的油料作物,具有广阔的应用前景。
- High oil prices are increasing the US trade deficit, the report says. 该报告称,高昂的油价使美国贸易赤字日益扩大。
- DTC water clarifiers are featured by their high oil removing capacity. 同常规净水剂相比,二硫代氨基甲酸盐具有除油效率高的特点。
- Today, a large collection of high oil stocks are: Royal Dutch Shell (RDS. 今天高收的大型石油股还有:皇家荷兰壳牌石油(RDS.
- Opec has long maintained that much of the high oil price results from refinery bottlenecks. 欧佩克长期坚持认为,高油价很大程度上是炼油瓶颈造成的。
- Development of High Oil Content, High Yield, Disease Risistance Summer Soybean Handou No. 高油夏大豆新品种邯豆四号的选育。
- The US economy had maintained strong growth despite damage from two severe hurricanes and high oil prices. 尽管美国经历两场严重风灾及油价上升,但仍维持强劲的经济增长。
- Stronger for longer has been a favourite catchline for investors for describing high oil and commodity prices. 高油价和高商品价格,使投资者期望伦敦股市的上涨能继续走强、走长。
- So is the weaker dollar driving oil prices up or are high oil prices driving the dollar down? 因此是走弱的美元驱动石油价格上涨还是高石油价格驱动美元下跌?
- Higher oil prices could hit the beleaguered auto and airline industries. 油价上涨有可能对已深陷困境的汽车和航空业造成打击。
- High oil prices are therefore at least partially a consequence of an expansionary monetary policy in the US. 所以,高油价至少在一定程度上是美国扩张性货币政策所造成的。