- high multiple pregnancy 超多胎妊娠
- Is there any multiple pregnancy, hypertension, tuberculosis, diabetes or hereditary diseases in your family? 您家族里有人生过多胎、患过高血压、结核病、糖尿病或遗传病吗?
- In the meantime, patients must weigh the risks of multiple pregnancy against the prospect of remaining childless. 同时,家长必须权衡多胎妊娠的危险相对于仍旧没有子女的前景。
- A non-significant trend to higher high-order multiple pregnancy was observed in the weekend-free IUI. 没有观察到周末休息组有明显的增高多胎妊娠的趋势。
- Malinowski W. Preterm birth in multiple pregnancy[J]. Med Wieku Rozwoj, 2003 ,7(suppl 1):85 96. 林琼霞,左绪三磊.;89例双胎妊娠的临床分析[J]
- If combined with high multiple reduced projection system, this technology can realize transfer of mask graphics fleetly. 结合高倍精缩投影系统,可快速实现图形转印。
- The caesarean section rate for breech presentation,scar uterus,fetal macrosomia,multiple pregnancy was 97.9%, 97.3%, 74.0%, 73.9% respectively. 其中臀位的剖宫产率为97.;9%25;疤痕子宫的剖宫产率为97
- Higher multiple mtDNA deletions were detected in wet AMD patients. 湿性AMD患者体内可能存在较高频率的mtDNA多重缺失 ;
- Fertilization rate,clearage rate, pregnancy rate, multiple pregnancy rate were 69. 32% , 95. 69% , 38.18% , 14.29% respectively. 多胎6例;多胎妊娠率为14.;29%25;未发生异位妊娠及先天缺陷儿出生。
- In case of multiple pregnancy,the obstetric complications of pregnancy rise,while the dysfunction of thromboembolism is more likely to occur. 在多胎妊娠时,孕妇妊娠期并发症的发生率升高,更易诱发凝血功能障碍。
- Susceptible cells, when infected at a high multiplicity of infection with virus, produce many incomplete of defective viral particles. 易感细胞感染一种能高度增殖的病毒时能产生许多不全的或缺损的病毒粒子。
- Result: Premature rupture of membranes and multiple pregnancy are the former two reasons causes premature,premature pregnancy is also related to prenatal care, and another 11.63 percent is unknown. 结果:胎膜早破、多胎妊娠为早产原因的前二位;早产还与孕期母亲未作产前检查相关;另有11.;63%25为不明原因的早产。
- The news that the couple conceived both sets without the aid of fertility treatment, which significantly increases the chances of a multiple pregnancy, shocked local fertility doctors. 这对夫妇两胎都是自然怀孕,没有接受生育治疗,因为生育治疗会增加怀多胞胎的机率。这个消息让当地妇产科医生相当震惊。
- Wheat-maize interplanting of both crops' high yield features shorter cycling period, higher multiple cropping index, stronger fertility exhaustion and no time for soil fertility to recover. 小麦-玉米套种两作产量皆高是以周期短、复种指数高、肥力耗竭强为特征,土壤肥力没有时间得以复原。
- For part of last year, the MSCI emerging-markets index was even trading at a higher multiple of earnings than the index of rich-world shares. 在去年的某段时间,摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数的交易利润远高于发达国家的股票指数几倍。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Clinical Analysis of Multiple Pregnancy Reduction 多胎妊娠早期选择性减胎术临床效果分析
- Optimum designing the device structure, strictlv controlling the parameters of LPE growthand perfect fabricating processing of devices, the In GaAs/InP SAGM APDs with low dark currentand high multiplication factor have been obtainecl. 根据器件结构的优化设计,严格控制生长参数以及理想的器件制备工艺获得了低漏电高增益InGaAs/InP SAGM雪崩光电二极管。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- Obstetric explanations for nausea and vomiting may include multiple pregnancies or a hydatidiform mole. 产科出现恶心呕吐的可能包括多胎妊娠或葡萄胎。