- Gluing High Moisture Content Veneer with Corn Starch Modified UF Resin 玉米淀粉改性UF树脂胶合高含水率单板
- Keywords corn starch;esterification;UF resin;high moisture content veneer;gluing; 玉米淀粉;酯化;脲醛树脂;高含水率单板;胶合;
- high moisture content veneer 高含水率单板
- Study on the Bonding Process of Veneer with High Moisture Content 高含水率单板胶接工艺的研究
- Gone-Off: deteriorated usually on account of high moisture content conducive to moldiness. 消失过:恶化通常是因含水量高,有利于霉烂。
- If raw material with high moisture content, it increases suitably the mesh size. 对于含水率高的原料应适当增大筛孔。
- Bonding tests of high moisture content wood with polyurethane adhesives were also carried out tentatively. 同时进行了聚氨酯胶粘剂用于高含水率木材粘接的试验。
- Fresh vegetables (with high moisture content) should be avoided as these can cause bloat in a chinchilla, which can be fatal. 新鲜蔬菜是高水分含量的,应该避免食用,因为这些可能会造成膨胀的龙猫的肠胃,这可能是致命的。
- And the timber with high moisture content its material style is heavier, feel is icy, the sound that push plane is not clear, even paring gives water. 而含水率高的木料其材体较重,手感冰凉,推刨声不脆,甚至刨花出水。
- Bagasse is a fuel with such characters as difficult to burn, high moisture content,great evaporability and low energy content. 甘蔗渣是一种难着火、含水份高、挥发份大、发热值低的生物燃料。
- An aerobic co-composting process was proposed to treat high moisture content municipal solid waste (MSW) and dewatered sludge. 采用好氧堆肥工艺处理高含水率城市生活垃圾和脱水污泥。
- The experimental results also indicat ed that the impin ging stream drying was more suitable to the powdered materials of high moisture content. 对撞流干燥更适合于烘干高湿度粉状物料。
- When the BOD/P was 100/0.6 and 100/0.3 respectively, an excessive growth of viscous Zoogloea with high moisture content was observed and non-filamentous bullring occurred. 当进水中BOD/P分别为100/0.;6和100/0
- The main fermentation process of dewatered sludge with high moisture content(>70%)was studied by vessel reactor combining with the achievements of aerobic composting. 因此,本文结合脱水污泥好氧堆肥化已经取得的研究成果,利用仓式反应器对脱水污泥在高含水率条件下(>70%25)的一次好氧发酵过程动力学进行研究。
- However, due to the high moisture content and low ground bearing capacity, the newly dredger fill is not able to use directly, and has to get foundation treatment. 然而新近吹填土由于含水量高、地震液化、地基承载力低等原因是不能直接使用的,必须进行吹填土的地基处理。
- Loose mouthpieces are often caused by high moisture content of briar,caused by 'wet' smoking and can be best avoided by using a pipe cleaner after every smoke. 抽烟时带来的湿气使石楠饱含水分,这往往是导致烟嘴松动的原因, 避免这个问题的最好方法就是在抽完每斗烟后都使用烟斗通条清洁烟斗。
- It also had a lower S/L rate and a higher moisture content which led to better palatability. 而且茎叶比较小、鲜干比较大、适口性较好。
- It was found that fresh MSW are characterized with high moisture content and low LHV,while combustibles in aged MSW are mainly plastics and of lower moisture content therefore can be made into RDF. 分析了新鲜垃圾和陈旧垃圾的组分和热值特性,指出陈旧垃圾中的可燃组分可制成垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)作为新鲜垃圾焚烧的辅助燃料,尤其是在新鲜垃圾中的塑料加以回收后更有必要。
- It has been studied the primary aerobic fermentation process of dewatered sewage sludge in the high moisture content(>70%) by vessel reactor combining with the achievements of aerobic composting. 在仓式反应器内,用木屑作为调理剂,对上海市某污水处理厂的脱水污泥进行一次好氧发酵试验。
- The technique to reinforce soft soils using DJM piles is mainly applicable to treatment of mire,sludge soil,silty soil,cohesive soil with a high moisture content and complex earth-fill. 喷粉桩加固软土技术主要适用于处理淤泥、淤泥质土、粉土和含水量较高的粘性土,以及能成桩的杂填土。