- high group frequency band 高群频带
- group frequency band code equipment 基群频带信号编码器
- group frequency band codec equipment 基群频带信号编
- low group frequency band 低群频带
- group frequency band 同组频率光谱, 基团频带
- This effect is obvious at lower frequency band. 这种效应在振动低频区段更为显著。
- The assigned frequency band is 928 MHz to 902 MHz. 那分配频率乐团是 902个百万赫兹至 928个百万赫兹。
- The experiment shows that AWG has wide signal frequency band and high resolution. 实验表明,此波形发生器产生的信号频率范围广,分辨率高,具有一定的实用价值。
- Cable Modem is a high speed access device through CAW net, advanced performances includes high speed,wide frequency band,etc. Cable Modem(电缆调制解调器)是一种通过CATV网进行高速访问的设备,由于它具有速度高、频带宽等优势,因而多家厂商竞相开发,争夺这一潜在的广阔市场。
- Wide frequency band, high power, low losses and wide temperature coefficient are the developing trends of microwave ferrite materiel. 微波铁氧体材料的发展趋势是宽频带、大功率、低损耗、宽温度系数。
- At first utilized the SOT to normalize the multiwavelet coefficients in high frequency band and removed the signal-dependence of the speckle noise. 首先利用SOT对高频子带的多小波系数进行软阈值去噪,滤除相干斑噪声;
- The cymbal hydrophone has small volume and high sensitivity, but its reception performance is not stable enough, with narrow receiving frequency band. 摘要钹式水听器体积小,灵敏度高,但是接收的性能不够稳定,接收频带比较窄。
- Electromagnetism pulse produced during electrostatic discharge (ESD EMP) has sharp rise edge, wide frequency band and high peak. It can disturb and destroy the electronic system. 静电放电产生的电磁脉冲 ( ESD EMP)有上升沿陡、频带宽和峰值大等特点 ,对电子系统的干扰和破坏很大。
- Theoretic analysis and simulative result indicate that the generator can produce multi channel and high density signals synchronously, and has widest output frequency band. 理论分析和仿真结果表明,该系统能够同时产生多路高密度通信信号,并且有很宽的输出频带。
- At high frequency band,the frequency response error of a peak detector is the high frequency resonance error mainly produced by the distributive parameter. 峰值检波器的频响误差在高频段主要是由分布参数产生的高频谐振误差。
- Additionally, the High group and the Low group differed not only in their use of strategy types, but also in their strategy use sequences, with the High group using strategies more effectively. 此外,高、低组同学不但使用不同的策略,而且使用策略的时机也不尽相同,结果显示高组同学比低组同学更能有效运用策略。
- Abstract: At high frequency band,the frequency response error of a peak detector is the high frequency resonance error mainly produced by the distributive parameter. 文摘:峰值检波器的频响误差在高频段主要是由分布参数产生的高频谐振误差。
- The recurrent rate of GCT in PCNA-PI lower group was significantly lower than the PCNA-PI higher group (P<0.01). PCNA增殖指数低即低度增生的骨巨细胞瘤复发率低,PCNA增殖指数高即中度和重度增生者复发率明显增高。
- We can't hear any program when we turn our radio onto this frequency band. 当收音机调到这个频段上时,什么节目也收听不到。
- The karyotype of Lethrinus nebulosus are in accordance with the higher group of fish evolutionary taxonomy. 其核型属特点符合典型的高位类群鱼类核型特征。