- The disposal scheme for the bottom slabs of tailwater canal may provide some reference for canal construction engineering when there is an higher groundwater table. 尾水渠的底板处理方案可供地下水位较高的渠道工程施工借鉴。
- Application of Dynamic Subsidence Reclamation in Coal Mining-induced Subsidence Area with High Groundwater Table 动态沉陷复垦在高潜水位采煤塌陷区中的应用
- high groundwater table 高地下水位区
- Hongtong city located in east bank of Fenhe River and has high groundwater level, which cause the difficulty of city pipe network s laying out. 洪洞县地处汾河东岸,地下水位高,敷设城市管网困难很大,且目前无煤气和热力管网。
- In areas prone to salinization-alkalization and water-logging, measures shall be taken to control and lower groundwater table. 在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。
- This paper considered a Single-Layer soil bounded below by the Groundwater Table or impermeable bedrock. 设定一个单一土层系统,其下边界为一个稳定的地下水位或不透气底板(如基岩)作为究对象。
- In areas prone to salinization-alkalization and water-logging,measures shall be taken to control and lower groundwater table. 在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。
- The main water issues in Anyang Region are: the deficit of water resources and the quick reduced rate of the groundwater table. 安阳地区的水问题主要有:水资源不足与地下水位下降速率加剧。
- While in the North and inland areas used to more high groundwater, salinity, metal ion content of more than the combined with intenerated so that water softeners but ion number unchanged. 而敌国不朔方及腹不天不天域所用自来不众为不天下火,矿化度矮、金属离子含度众,虽不纬增不硬化剂使火不硬化但总离子数稳定。
- The next work is to apply this subsurface runoff model and the soil moisture model with dynamic representation of the groundwater table to climate simulations. 进一步的工作是要把这样的地下径流模型与地下水位动态表示的土壤水模型应用于气候模拟。
- The depth groundwater table, affected by irrigation greatly, changes seasonally and periodic fluctuation between tiptop and lowest groundwater table regularly. 地下水埋深受灌溉的影响呈季节性升降变化,最高水位和升降范围年际间保持相对稳定。
- The result of this field experiment demonstrate that the shallow groundwater table and average infiltration rate are in proportion to the ponding depth. 现地试验结果显示,平均入渗率及浅层地下水位的抬升与灌水深有正比之关系。
- With the groundwater table falls, the material in overlying strata will be consolidated, which is the direct reason for the ground compactness and the occurrence of fissures. 随着水位下降,盖层介质固结压密作用是导致地面压缩变形乃至地裂缝发生的直接原因。
- In the vertical direction of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain where groundwater table is shallow, the soil salt content increases with the gradual decreasing of depth. 在垂直方向上,在地下水位埋藏较浅的细土平原及冲积平原区,包气带含盐量随深度增加逐渐减小;
- On the basis of its feature and moisture content, this paper analyzed the relationship between its influencing factors, vadose zone thickness and groundwater table. 在其结构及其属性特征分析基础上,重点解析了结构内垂向上土壤水分的富集规律;以沙蒿为例,对喜沙耐旱植被的生长与风积沙厚度、地下水水位埋深间的关系进行了探讨。
- Developed marble karst in Dahongshan Mine has led to a great deal of water burst in mine shaft and rapid groundwater table lowering, resulting in a large scale of surface subsidence. 大红山矿大理岩岩溶发育,由于突水造成井下大量涌水,同时引起地下水位急剧下降,引发了较大范围、较大规模的地面塌陷。
- The research adopts FEMWATER numerical model and the software GMS , which has a graphic interface as a platform of input andoutput data, to simulate the shallow groundwater table of experiment region. 本研究采用FEMWATER数值模式配合拥有图形界面功能之GMS软体,作为输入输出的操作平台,以进行试验区域浅层地下水位之模拟。
- The lowering of wetland water table and groundwater table gives rise to soil salinization,and at the same time,soil salinization has serious impacts on the wetland survival and development. 本文重点阐述由于不合理灌溉引起潜水位上升 ,在特定的气候、地形地貌、地层岩性诸因素综合作用下 ,导致土壤次生盐渍化问题。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Taking the Yeerqiang River Valley, Xinjiang as an example, types, degrees, characteristics, and causes of soil salinization were analyzed in relation to groundwater table in this district. 以新疆叶尔羌河流域为例,分析了该地区土壤盐渍化的类型、程度、特征、成因以及与地下水埋深的关系。盐渍化程度分析为该区农业发展提供了科学依据;