- A high government official or bureaucrat. 官员职位较高的政府官员或官僚
- The governor holds a high government position. 州长在州政府中居首要地位。
- Immense relief spread through the high Government circles in the United States. 在美国政府的高级官员中弥漫着无限的欣慰之感。
- Franklin D.Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to appoint women to high government posts. FranklinD.;Roosevelt是第一位任命妇女为政府高层职员的美国总统。
- Mentalist arrives at a VIP, hopefully a high government official with a small clear plastic box. 精神论者到达在VIP,有希望地一位高政府官员与一个小清楚的塑料盒。
- Externally communicate with variety of contacts, including executuves of our customers, and high government officials. 与外部各联络单位进行沟通,包括客户的管理层和高级政府官员。
- The fact that leading journalists were advised by high government sources to take the anti-toxin Cipro before the anthrax attacks. 事实上,在炭疽病爆发之前,那些主要的记者就被政府消息人士告知服用一种名叫盐酸环丙沙星制剂的抗霉素。
- As President, he appointed men to high government positions whom he considered most capable, even though some of them openly scorned him. 作为总统,他把自己认为极有能力的人员委派到政府的高级职位,尽管他们中的一些人曾经公开地对他表示过蔑视。
- As Presid , he appoint men to high govern posit whom he consid mo st capabl , even t hough some of t hem openli scorn him. 段落的直线性发展围绕主题展开 , 先陈述中心思想 , 后分点论证说明 , 使主题句的内容展开。
- In 1994,among those occupying high government positions were one woman State Councillor of the State Council,16 women ministers or vice-ministers,18 women provincial vice-governors,more than 300 women mayors or vice-mayors and 21,012 women judges. 1994年,在政府高级领导职务中,国务院有女国务委员1人,正副女部长16人;全国有女副省长18人,正副女市长300多人。中国有女法官21012名。
- However,you'll find formal titles very seldom used in the United States,except in some special occupations - by judges,high government officials,certain military officers,medical workers,doctors,professors and religious leaders. 然而,你将会发现在美国正式头衔极其少用,除非是用于称从事某些特定工作的人--法官、政府高级、达到一定军阶的军官、医务工作者、博士、教授和宗教领袖等。
- The General Council is the next highest governing body. 常任理事会是第二高的统治机构。
- On the contrary such people try to win false prestige and glory by arranging garden parties in honor of high government officers, and feeding the gentry on the eve of wedding receptions. 相反地,他们经常错误的来修建花园或者举办奢华的婚礼,认为这样能够提高他们的声望。
- One young, capable, high government official, came across Jerry Postiglione, an American Professor in Hong Kong, who contacted the Ford Foundation to start an experimental bilingual education project. 金瑞卿提出了 “推展母语、双语教学将对教育带来全面成功”的理念,这对当地的双语教学起了催化的作用。
- Immunised by pessimism-beating cheap money and higher government spending, confidence has returned. 抗悲观的廉价资金和加大的政府开支赋予了人们免疫性,信心已开始回升。
- Crucially, the overall size of the fiscal multiplier also depends on how people react to higher government borrowing. 关键是财政乘数的总规模同样取决于人们对较高的政府借款如何反应。
- He is a high official in the government. 他是政府的高级官员。
- The highest governing body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference. 世界贸易组织的最高统治机构是部门的会议。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。