- The large C1 cap rolls off the gain of the regulator starting at a low frequency so that high frequency noise isn't amplified by the error amp. 这个大的电容C1从一个较低的转折频率开始滚降,所以高频噪音没有被误差放大器放大。
- If the table top isn't level, things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。
- Put the ball carefully on the table, so that is won't roll off. 球放到桌上时要小心,别让它滚下来。
- How many copies do you want to roll off? 你想印多少份?
- This machine can roll off two prints a second. 这台机器每秒钟可复制两张图片。
- Small dissipation factor at high frequency. 高的频率和小的损耗因素.
- How many copies do you want to roll off ? 你想印多少份?
- Mind that the baby doesn't roll off the bed. 小心别让婴儿从床上滚下来。
- High Frequency Switch-mode Rectifier for. 通信用高频开关整流器。
- The sweat rolled off in great drops. 汗水一大滴一大滴地流下来。
- High Frequency and Temperature Stability. 高频及高温稳定。
- If the table top isn't level,things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。
- Linear and Stable High Frequency Characteristics. 稳定的线性高频特性。
- She insulted him, but he let it roll off his back. 她骂了他,可是他并不放在心上。
- Provides high Q characteristics in high frequency. 在高频率时提供高的品质因数(Q)值特性.
- Antistatic 50W high frequency power quick clean. 防静电50W高频功率,清洗效果显著。
- Just take easy ; let the water roll off your back. (轻松些,就像水从你的背后流下一样。)
- So Nanotech will see nary a chip roll off its line. 所以Nanotech设立晶圆厂的美梦将注定破灭。
- Dolphins produce a high frequency sound. 海豚可以发出高频音。
- Yadong High Frequency Welding Steel Manufacture CO. LTD提供钢卷和其他产品。