- high bandwidth link 高带宽链路
- In data communications, a high bandwidth channel. 数据通信技术中,一种宽频带的信道。
- Give an example of a network that exhibits high bandwidth and high latency. 请给出一个网络的例子,它具有高的带宽和高的延迟。
- A link with a higher bandwidth will have a lower metric and a route with a lower cumulative delay will have a lower metric. 具有较高频宽的链结将有较低的权值,而具有较低的累加延迟之路由亦将有较低的权值。
- The set-top devices access a high bandwidth pipe,but two-way interaction is currently limited. 顶匣盒可访问高带宽的通道但目前双向交互功能有限。
- Fiber/coaxial cable hybrids use fiber to bring high bandwidth to the neighborhood and then switches to coaxial cable for the last few feet to the customer's phone. 光缆/同轴电缆混合方式用光缆将高带宽送进社区,然后在接到客户电话的最后一段距离上转换到同轴电缆。
- ADSL delivers high bandwidth where you need it and only uses a single copper pair. ADSL在你需要之处给出了高带宽,并且只用一对铜线。
- The set-top devices access a high bandwidth pipe, but two-way interaction is currently limited. 顶匣盒可访问高带宽的通道但目前双向交互功能有限。
- WVC200 also supports MJPEG compression for video, providing good video quality at high bandwidth rates. WVC200还支持MJPEG压缩在高帧频时提供更好的视频信息!
- Multimode dispersion is the main obstacle for high bandwidth in multimode optical fiber (MMF) communication system. 在多模光纤中,可以通过选择特定模式以抑制模间色散。
- The combination of high bandwidth and 100% channel availability will make it feasible to handle these types of applications in a token-ring environment. 高带宽与100%25的通道可用性相结合将使在令牌环网环境中处理这些类型的应用得以可行。
- With the development of power system communication networks and application systems, demands for high bandwidth backbone networks are increasing. 随着电力通信网以及应用系统的高速发展 ,对网络带宽的要求、特别是主干网带宽的要求越来越高。
- A novel high bandwidth actuator assembly was developed for the applications of high read/write head tracking in high TPI recording in hard disk drives. 摘要为了在极高磁道密度(TPI)的硬盘中快速寻道定位、读取数据,研发了一种新型高带宽驱动器组件。
- VCP is a new congestion control protocol.It is easy to implement and suitable for high bandwidth delay product (BDP) networks. 摘要 VCP协议是一种新型的、易于实现的拥塞控制协议,适用于高带宽时延乘积网络的拥塞控制。
- A new network architecture, Infiniband, can provide excellent support to parallel file system with its high bandwidth, low latency characteristic. 针对以上问题,提出采用并行虚拟文件系统(PVFS)来解决I/O性能瓶颈问题,采用Infiniband高速网络架构来解决网络通信问题。
- These devices accurately amplify small voltages in the presence of large common-mode voltage, provide high bandwidth, as well as level shifting and bidirectional capability. 这些器件能够精确地放大存在着很大的共模电压之中的微弱电压信号,提供宽带宽以及电平移动和双向功能。
- This model is typical in small- or medium-sized companies, but can also be used in larger companies that have high bandwidth connectivity between all regional offices. 这种模型在小型或中等规模的公司中是常见的,也可以用在各区域办公室之间具有高带宽连接的大型公司中。
- OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) technique, on which DRM system is based, features with high bandwidth efficiency and robustness to multi-path channel. DRM系统以OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex)技术为基础,具有高频带利用率和抗多径干扰等特点。
- LMDS features high bandwidth, large coverage, and two - way data transmission, and it provides high quality voice, high - speed Internet access, FR, VPN and other services. 近年新兴的宽带无线接入技术本地多点分配业务(LMDS)具备带宽高、覆盖面积大及双向数据传输等特点,可提供高质话音、高速Internet访问、帧中继、VPN等业务。
- In order to transfer thereal-time multimedia traffic which need high bandwidth and low latency, we improvethe DSR protocol with proposing of a new link-failure detect algorithm. 为了能在Ad hoc网络中传输需要大带宽、低延迟的实时多媒体业务,我们针对原DSR协议的不足之处做了改进,提出了一种新的链路失效监测算法。