- high arch shot 高弧度投篮
- Fault tree analysis is used to analyse the high arch dam risk. 摘要利用故障树分析法对高拱坝进行风险分析。
- Problems and Countermeasures of Earthquake Evaluation for High arch Dam. 高拱坝重大地震灾变评估的障碍和对策。
- Cracking Analysis of High Arch Dam Heel Based on Deformation Reinforcement. 基于变形加固理论的高拱坝坝踵开裂评价。
- Do you have flat feet or high arches? 你有扁平足或者高拱足吗?
- The dynamic performance test of dam concrete is a key problem to the construction of high arch dam at present. 大坝混凝土动态性能试验为当前高拱坝建设亟待解决的一个关键问题。
- Based on the emulate analysis,overloading modulus and wreck evolution process of high arch dam was completed. 通过仿真分析得到了小湾拱坝在各种荷载条件下的超载系数及拱坝的破坏演变过程。
- The aseismatic stability of abutment jointed rock mass is the key problem of high arch dam. 高拱坝体型设计是关系到大坝安全和经济的关键技术问题。
- A high arch is rigid and has little shock absorption, putting more pressure on the ball and heel of the foot, as well as on the knees, hips and back. 高拱足缺乏弹性,对振动不能起到缓冲作用,这样就给拓球和后脚跟以及膝盖、臀部、背部都带去很大压力。
- The long base width and steep slope of super high arch dams have make it difficult to control the temperature when adopting full-silo casting method. 摘要特高拱坝由于底宽大、岸坡陡,故采用通仓浇筑时施工期的温度控制难度大。
- Combining with engineering practice,the effects of water compressibility on dynamic characteristic of high arch dams are studied. 结合实际工程给出了考虑库水可压缩性时高拱坝动力特性的数值求解方案。
- Furthermore, a fault tree model based on structural reliability theory was developed for failure probability study of high arch darns, and a calculation example was given. 建立了基于结构可靠度理论的高拱坝失效概率故障树模型并给出了具体算例。
- If the raio of MgO to cement is greater than 5%, it is possible to use MgO in the construction of RCC gravity dams and high arch dams without artificial cooling. 如能突破掺率5%25的限制,则有可能在全国把氧化镁混凝土应用于高拱坝和碾压混凝土重力坝,使混凝土筑坝技术有较大改观,但事关重大,为此应进行大量科学试验。
- Four major failure modes for high arch dams, namely destabilization dam lost stability failure, shearing-slipping failure, excess cracking and man-caused destruction, are presented by means of failure tree analysis. 摘要利用故障树分析法得出了高拱坝具有失稳溃坝、剪滑垮坝、超量开裂及毁坝等4种主要失效模式。
- To discuss four factors elastic-plastic break material model of concrete.To introduce a new concept of overloading and emphasize various major loading function of high arch dam must be accounted. 通过对反映混凝土破坏特征的四参数弹塑性断裂本构模型的研究,提出了超载的概念,并强调无论是超载试验或是超载计算分析,对于作用荷载而言,都应综合考虑各种影响拱坝受力的主要荷载因素。
- It is indicated that the dynamic amplification of abutment rock body and dam-water-foundation interaction should be considered in the aseismatic stability analysis for high arch dam abutment. 指出高拱坝坝肩稳定分析应考虑坝肩岩体的动力放大和坝-地基-库水的动力相互作用,算例表明所提方法的实用价值。
- People with high arches should look for roomy shoes and softer padding to absorb the shock. 那些有高拱足的人应该找那些宽大的鞋子,有柔软的鞋子吸收外界的振动。
- Sali Nan's 192 meters high arches, is to start in 1964, with completion of two years. 高192米的萨里南拱门,是1964年动工,用2年时间建成。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。