- a hierarchy of moral values 道德价值的层次
- Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values. 人们强调学校为道德价值观的传输者。
- The collapse of moral values has made the situation worse. 道德力量的崩溃,使势态更加严重。
- This is a crucial stage of the development of moral values. 这是形成道德观念的一个重要阶段。
- The essence of moral values is the fractures of inter-generational divide between the minors and adults in their moral values. 道德价值观代际分化的本质是道德价值观在成年人与未成年人之间出现了断裂;
- In the aspect of moral values, the behaviors of middle school students come out a variety : altruism, cooperation, egoism, etc. 中学生社会交换行为之所以存在并表现出上述特点,主要是心理因素、文化因素和经济因素共同导致的。
- Relativism and the collapse of moral values he blamed on the student riots of 1968, “this bedlam”, in which he had refused to take the students' side. 他把相对主义和道德价值的沦丧归咎于1968年的学生暴乱,“这是骚乱”,他拒绝站在学生的立场审视问题。
- As I read my Bible, however, I see a different hierarchy of values. 然而,当我们阅读圣经时,我看到一个不同的价值体系。
- He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford. 他是牛津大学伦理学教授。
- Acts as the top of a two-level named hierarchy of. 集合的两级命名层次结构的顶级。
- But as the cross lesson of Ethnics and Value philosophy, there are big rift on the problem of the concept of moral value in academic circles. 而作为伦理学与价值哲学的交叉课题,学术界在道德价值的概念问题上存在着较大分歧。
- A tree is a hierarchy of folders and files. 一棵树就是一个目录和文件的层级结构。
- In the forth part, I mainly analyze the cause that give rise to secularize standards of moral value of novels in 1990s. 第四部分对九十年代小说主要向世俗化发展的原因进行了挖掘。
- Jane Austen has always been known as a serious moralist, and accordingly "gentleman" is the core concept of her personal system of moral value. 本文将奥斯丁的道德思想定义为“绅士道德”,围绕“绅士”这一概念对其道德内涵及特点展开论述。
- All of us are brought up with a set of unwritten rules guiding us in our daily life. What kinds of moral value is important to you? 我们基本上都是跟随一套未正式书写的原则来过活。你觉得有什么观念对你比较重要?
- A series of ste in the organizational hierarchy of a company. 公司组织等级制度中的一系列晋升阶梯。
- The DOM presents data as a hierarchy of node objects. DOM将数据显示为节点对象层次结构。
- the philosophical study of moral values and rules. 道德价值与规则的哲学研究。
- Each policy level consists of a hierarchy of code groups. 每个策略级别包含一个由代码组构成的层次结构。
- Creates the hierarchy of child controls that make up the control. 创建构成控件的子控件的层次结构。