- Hierarchical linear models for categorical data are seldom applied in the field of psychological research in China. 摘要分类数据的多层线性模型在我国的心理学研究中鲜有使用。
- What Kinds of Research Questions Need to Be Answered by Hierarchical Linear Model? 哪些研究问题需要用分层线性模型回答?
- Hierarchical linear models indicated there are significant and positive main effects of professional commitment and organizational trust on OCB. 阶层线性模式分析显示专业承诺以及组织信任对于组织公民行为有显著的影响效果。
- The meaning of parameters of hierarchical linear model in longitudinal research is discussed and the advantages of HLM are introduced. 多层线性模型在分析具有层次结构的研究数据时具有精确估计、对测量时间间隔时间低等优点。
- Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) 多层线性模型(HLM)
- Data was collected from 1,387 contact employees and 108 managers of 36 branches in Taiwan's largest hypermarket group and analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). 是故,本研究以国内最大连锁量贩店的36家分店为研究对象,以问卷方式蒐集1,387位第一线服务人员与108位主管之资料,采用层级线性模式进行分析。
- Analyse through hierarchical linear models get the result, the overall factors to the individual factors has the result of the regulation, and there is reciprocation between hierarchism. 进一步则是透过阶层线性模式分析得知,总体层因素对个体层因素具有调节效果,两阶层间存在交互作用;
- hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) 多层线性模型(HLM)
- Hierarchical Linear Model for Binary Data: Principle and Application 二分数据的多层线性模型:原理与应用
- Analysis of Influencing Factors on the Chinese Achievement Test in the College Entrance Examination: A Hierarchical Linear Model 学生高考语文成绩影响因素的多层线性分析
- hierarchical linear models 分层线性模型
- Least squares in linear models II. 线性模型中的最小二乘法2。
- hierarchical linear model 多层线性模型
- The conditions for Assume Linear Model are not satisfied. 无法满足设定的“采用线性模型”条件。
- hierarchical linear modeling 多层线性模型(HLM)
- To reduce the computational load, these multiple linear models are then used as prediction equations in an MPC framework. 为求减轻计算负荷,在模式预测控制架构中,上述之多重模式即可作为预测方程式来计算程序未来的输出值。
- Qi-Guang Wu,Kazuo Noda, All admissible linear estimators in coordinatized multivariate linear models. 吴启光,杨国庆,一类正态线性模型中参数的一致最小风险同变估计的存在性,中国科学(A辑),第31卷,第10期,2001年,878-890。(2001
- If you see this message again, clear the Assume linear model check box, and then run the problem again. 如果又一次出现同样信息,请清除“采用线性模型”复选框,然后再运行一次。
- Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling 分层线性和非线性模型
- You selected the Assume Linear Model check box in the Solver Options dialog box, but the problem is nonlinear. 选中了“规划求解选项”对话框中的“采用线性模型”复选框,但问题是非线性的。