- hi- tech industrial cluster 高技术产业集群
- high - tech industry cluster 高技术产业集群
- The formation of industrial cluster is a dynamic process. 摘要产业集群形成是一个动态过程。
- China Inorganic Substance Tech Industry Corp. 丰业玻璃公司中国无机材料科技实业集团公司。
- Scoreboard: Who are the highest rated leaders in the tech industry? 记分板:谁是技术行业得票率最高的领袖?
- The article analyses the cause of industrial isomorphism based on H-O and industrial cluster theory. 并运用生产要素禀赋理论和产业集群等理论,结合开发区类型分类进一步分析产业同构的内在原因。
- Research on Development Approaches of the "Second- Time Carve Out" in the High- Tech Industry Clusters 高新区"二次创业"发展途径研究
- The patterns of industrial cluster are mainly: axis-wheeled, poly-nuclear, netted industrial cluster and so on. 产业集群的模式有轴轮式产业集群、多核式产业集群、网状式产业集群等。
- Innovation on the Management Mode in China Hi? Tech Industrial Development 我国高新技术产业开发区管理模式创新探讨
- Cluster supply chain is the coupling organizing form between industrial cluster and supply chain. 摘要集群式供应链是产业集群和供应链之间的藕合组织形式。
- And the competitiveness evaluation of industrial cluster in tourism is summarized. 最后,对旅游产业集群竞争力评价进行了总结。
- But the core of region economy development is to cultivate and impetus the competitive industrial cluster. 而区域经济发展的核心是培育和推动具有竞争优势的产业集群。
- The Endogenetic Industrial Cluster which mainly includes Small-medium firms contributes to Chinese economy very much. 以民营中小企业为主的内生型产业集群对我国经济发展贡献极大。
- The formation, growth and maturity of the industrial cluster is a gradual process of evolution. 摘要产业集群的形成、成长和成熟是一个循时演进的过程。
- Harrell wasn't criticizing Apple or its suppliers directly, but rather referring to the tech industry as a whole. 哈瑞尔没有直接批评苹果或其供应商,他谈的是整个科技业。
- According to the life cycle theory, the development of industrial cluster is divided into four stages: formation, growth, maturation and decline. 摘要根据生命周期理论,产业集群的发展分为四个阶段:形成期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。
- Tech Industries is restructuring their company to rid themselves of redundant personnel. 技术产业可以调整他们的公司,裁减多余的人员。
- Venture capitalists are the driving force behind the booming clean tech industry. 风险投资家是清洁技术行业兴起的幕后推手。
- Complementary knowledge-based industrial cluster as a representative come into being under the background of knowledge-based economy age. 随知识经济时代的来临,制度、文化和社会资本等软要素和软环境,对于产业聚的形成和发展有重要的影响,知识的创新与积累逐渐成为推动产业群聚经增长的主要动力。
- Industrial cluster is an important industrial spatial organization form in developed areas as well as in underdeveloped areas. 产业集群不应该仅仅是经济发达地区产业空间组织的重要形式,而且也应该是欠发达地区产业发展的空间组织形式。