- He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone. 他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。
- The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound. 护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。
- hex pad 十六进制输入键盘
- The pad on which bobbin lace is made. 花边垫子在其上编织花边的垫子
- That carpet needs a pad under it. 那块地毯下面要铺衬垫。
- Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details. 千万别用不相干的细节来拉长文章。
- A packsaddle made of a stuffed leather pad. 驮鞍内塞皮革垫料的驮鞍
- A cushioned pad used by printers and engravers to apply ink. 上墨皮垫画家和雕刻家用来敷墨的垫子
- Convert hex to bin, bin to dec and more. 将十六进制转换成二进制,二进制转换成十进制,等等。
- Don't let her join us, who will hex us as a female. 别让她参加咱们的活动,女人会给咱们带来厄运的。
- A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye. 护眼片,眼罩带在眼窝或受伤的眼上的垫子或布片
- My advice is not to pad out your story with irrelevant details. 我的意见是别有不相干的细节来拉长你的故事。
- In hex sleepiness her head sank gently against him. 在朦胧的睡意中,她的头垂下来,轻轻地靠到了他的身上。
- An old wooden hex did duty for a table. 把旧木箱当作桌子。
- She got up, fetched a writing pad and pen. 她起身拿了一本信笺和一支笔。
- She dropped her glance to hide hex tears. 她两眼垂视以掩饰泪水。
- "Dad-, "she Began, But his stem look silenced hex. “爸--,”她刚开口,就被他那严峻的目光止住了。
- Everyone else was no match for hex in Beauty. 没有谁能比得上她的美貌。
- MTA object classes range in hex from 01 to 0E. MTA对象类的范围是从01到0E(以十六进制表示)。
- The child let his mother pad the chair. 这个小孩让他妈妈把椅子加上垫子。