- The sight of the snake made her flesh creep. 她看到蛇就汗毛直竖。
- Mary says that the sight of snakes makes her flesh crawl. 玛丽说,她看见蛇就使她身上感到好像有虫子在爬。
- Nature has all along yielded her flesh to humans. 自然一直在用她的血肉供养着人类。
- The pinpricks of sweat made her flesh itch. 汗水刺得她皮肤发痒。
- The expression of his eyes made her soul sick and her flesh creep. 他的眼神使她内心难受,毛骨悚然。
- She felt intense pain as the blade bit into her flesh. 刀片划入她的肉时,她感到剧痛。
- He could still feel the warm smoothness of her flesh, and hear her voice. 他仍然感到她那温暖柔滑的肌肤,她的声音还在耳边回响。
- They had all laughed but Lucy had felt her flesh twitching between her legs. 他们都在笑,而露西感到她的肉在她的两腿间抽搐。
- The sight of the cold, damp prison cell, with rats running about, made her flesh creep. 看见那冰冷阴湿的牢房,还有老鼠在那里跑来跑去,使她不寒而栗。
- The sight of the cold,damp prison cell,with rats running about,made her flesh creep. 看见那冰冷阴湿的牢房,还有老鼠在那里跑来跑去,使她不寒而栗。
- To water the long dry thirst of her faith her pride had made a bargain which her flesh could not keep. 为了滋润一下她长期干渴的信念,她的骄傲感进行了一次她的肉体无法忍受的交易。
- She shook in his embrace, and this movement accentuated his sense of the fineness of her flesh and bone. 她在他怀抱里颤抖,这种颤抖使他更加强烈地感觉到她的肌体是多么美好。
- She wasn't totally without reserves either: pawned, the jewels embedded in her flesh would fetch a pretty price. 她并非完全没有积蓄:如果以嵌入她肉体里的珠宝为抵押,那可以拿很大一笔钱。
- Her body is being hacked by a scythe-wielding devil, who throws hunks of her flesh to the crazed speculators below. 柱子上这些人,就是南海公司愚蠢的投资者。
- The woman's name was Filomena and her face was as wrinkled and brown as a walnut, her brown-stained teeth showing through the shell of her flesh. 这个老太婆的名字叫斐洛必娜:她的脸布满了皱纹,又是褐色,很像个大核桃; 她那褐色牙齿从她那像核桃壳似的上下嘴唇之间露了出来。
- In this version, the Wolf dissects Grandmother, then invites Red in for a meal of her flesh, presumably with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti. 在这个版本中,大灰狼把外婆撕成碎片,然后邀请小红帽一起来享用她的肉,可能还配上了蚕豆和意大利葡萄酒。
- She was a large, stout woman, always dressed slatternly and always tired from the burdens of her flesh, her work, and her husband. 她是个身材高大的健壮女人,总是穿得邋里邋遢,总是因为自己个子太大,工作太重,丈夫太刁而精疲力竭。
- Kejira's senses registered the light an instant before the pain, and the face of Gith was burned into her eyes even as the flames seared her flesh. 凯吉拉的感官认为,在痛苦面前,这光亮只是一瞬间,即使火焰在灼烧她的皮肉,吉斯的面容仍然映刻进了她的眼中。
- And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 你所看见的那十角与兽必恨这淫妇,使他冷落赤身,又要吃他的肉,用火将他烧尽。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。