- Digging the canal was a Herculean task. 开凿运河是项极其艰巨的工程。
- They have taken on a Herculean task. 他们承担了一件极困难的任务。
- Digging this tunnel seems to be a herculean task. 挖掘这座隧道似乎是一项艰钜的任务。
- For greedy John, to lose weight is a Herculean task. 对于贪吃约翰来说,要减轻体重的确是一件困难的事情。
- But undertaking a renovation can be a Herculean task. 但做翻修工作却可能是一项异常艰巨的任务。
- Eradication of the Alpine nomenclature is still proving a Herculean task. 根除阿尔卑斯命名法依然是一项极其艰难的工作。
- The consortium began its Herculean task by looking at supply chain processes. 该联盟从研究供应链的过程入手开始这个艰巨的任务。
- The central government is taking the first tentative swipes at what will amount to a Herculean task. 中央政府已经采取开始性的试探性步骤,将发展为赫拉克勒斯的巨大任务。
- Du said he hopes Mother Nature pitches in to assist city officials with their Herculean task. 杜(此处疑为杨)说他希望社会各界协力帮助政府官员完成这一极其艰巨的任务。
- These days, just finding an easy to remember one-word domain name can be a Herculean task. 现在这个时代,找一个容易记的单词汇的域名已经变得很困难了。
- Nevertheless, the thickness of the shield is still uneven but it is a Herculean task to resolve the issue. 但毕竟这祇是边沿的错觉,盾背的厚薄不一问题始终没有解决。
- The more than Herculean task which is now at last completed began with the appointment of the Statutory Commission in 1927. 这一始于1927年指定法律委员会的艰巨无比的任务终于完成了。
- That must have been an absolutely Herculean task right there, considering that the responses number in the thousands, and Jack is apparently out of town. 想必那是一个艰巨的任务, 就数以千计的回复而言,杰克似乎不在实验室。
- But persuading large swathes of the citizenry to spend less time watching sport on television and more time actually working up a sweat is a Herculean task. 但是劝说老百姓少看点电视体育比赛,多花点时间进行真正的体育运动是一项艰巨的任务。
- The herculean task of eradicating AIDS has consumed efforts of a generation of human beings, and is yet to entail assiduous endeavors of the generations to come. 昨天是世界艾滋病日,早早地我就看到一队中大的学生绕着大学城内环跑步宣传,他们边跑边喊口号:预防艾滋病,你我同努力。
- It is a Herculean task. 那是一个非常艰巨的任务。
- Another greybeard, known as the Wise Old Man, laughed at him, saying “How foolish you are!It's absolutely impossible for you handful persons to accomplish such a herculean task”. 有个老头子名叫智叟的看了发笑,说是你们这样干未免太愚蠢了,你们父子数人要挖掉这样两座大山是完全不可能的。
- The ministry dived further into that Herculean task in the past week, announcing sanctions against 188 companies that it said were running unlicensed, vulgar or overly violent online games. 该部俯冲更深入,在过去一周的艰巨任务,对188个公司宣布,它说,制裁是无牌经营,粗俗或过于暴力网络游戏。
- The Herculean task of removing 10 million gallons of viscous crude that gushed into Alaska's Prince William Sound will take months ,perhaps years ,and may cost upward to million dollars. 要清除100万倾覆在阿拉斯加威廉太子湾上的粘稠原油,真是工程艰巨。不但要花上好几个月,而且投下的经费可能高达2亿5000万美元。
- Then scientists may finally realize their dream of creating a quantum machine that can tackle Herculean tasks once thought to be impossible. 届时,科学家终将能实现梦想,创造出威力无比的量子机器,达成以往无法完成的梦想。