- her long dark lashes 她那长长的黑睫毛
- There was no sign of Prissy so she went back upstairs, sponged Melanie's perspiring body and combed out her long dark hair. 可是百里茜连影子也没有,于是她只好回到楼上,用海绵给媚兰擦洗汗淋淋的身子,然后又替她梳理好那一头长长的黑发。
- With a flutter of her long dark eyelashes 她那长著又长又黑睫毛的眼睛一眨
- Luminescent amber eyes were fringed with long, dark lashes. 琥珀色的眼睛,在长黑的刘海下,闪烁光芒。
- She refused to be dispirited by her long illness. 她并未因长期患病而萎靡不振。
- She was slender and had long dark hair. 她身材苗条,有一头长长的黑发。
- Her long skirt was trailing along/on the floor. 她的长裙拖在地板上。
- She sat twiddling her long and dark hair. 她坐着无聊地捻弄着乌黑的长发。
- Her face wan after her long illness. 她久病后脸色变得苍白。
- She is still weak after her long illness. 久病之后她仍很虚弱。
- She had acquired much wisdom during her long life. 她经年累月造就了很高的智慧。
- Luminescent amber eyes were fringed with long. dark lashes. 琥珀色的眼睛.;在长黑的刘海下
- Her long illness gradually sapped her strength. 长期的患病使她的体力渐渐衰竭。
- The girl had her long blonde hair tied back in a neat bun. 那个女孩把她长长的金发换成一个髻。
- Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. 她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。
- She maintained her equanimity throughout her long ordeal. 她在长期的苦难中心情一直都很平静。
- "Asia is awaking from her long sleep, " he wrote. 他写道:"亚洲正在从长眠中觉醒。"
- Ann has long dark hair and glasses. Who is Ann? 茵有长长的黑头发并戴眼镜。谁是茵。
- We must face the long dark f Moria. 我们一定要穿过黑暗的矿坑。
- He saw only her long chestnut lashes,permeated with shadow and modesty. 他只见到栗色的长睫毛,掩映着幽娴贞静的神态。