- her blotchy and swollen face 她的布满黑斑的浮肿的脸
- Her face looked sallow and swollen in the dreary light. 在昏暗的光线中看上去她那蜡黄的脸有些浮肿。
- Her face was red and swollen as though she were choking. 她的脸涨得通红,象是噎住了一样。
- Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. 她哭得两眼又红又肿。
- Her eyes were all red and swollen from crying. 她两只眼睛哭得又红又肿。
- I was sloppy, blotchy and bulging out of my jeans. 我浑身沾满食物残渣,到处是赘肉,肥大的身躯像是硬塞进牛仔裤里。
- The child was in pain because his larynx was all red and swollen. 这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。
- He was about 18, with an ugly, red, swollen face. 他18岁左右,有一张红肿而又难看的脸。
- Right here. It's badly bruised and swollen. 就在这里,青肿得很厉害。
- My left foot hurts and it is red and swollen. 我左脚又肿又痛。
- The gums become red and swollen. 牙龈变红和肿起。
- The tonsils become fiery red and swollen. 扁桃体变得又红又肿。
- To make wet and swollen by weeping. 痛哭流涕,哭肿
- Nurse: His throat is red and swollen . 护士:他的喉咙既红又肿。
- An allergic-type reaction occurred in 1 patient who first had hives and swollen lips, eyes, and face, followed by EM lesions on her back and hypoxia. 1名病患出现过敏型反应,先是喉炎和肿胀的唇、眼睛和脸,接著是在她的背部和出现EM病灶以及出现组织缺氧。
- The vegetable world begins to move and swell and the saps to rise. 植物世界开始萌动、壮大、生气盎然。
- The child is in pain because his larynx is all red and swollen. 这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。
- Her feet were red and swollen with frostbite, but she did not seem to notice. 她的脚因为冻疮而红肿,但她似乎没有注意到。
- Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling. 关节炎由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀
- These results showed that the kinds of the pathogens of apple sooty blotch and flyspeck were of high diversity, probadly including some special types. 以上结果显示,我国苹果煤污病和蝇粪病病原菌菌体类型具有丰富的多样性,其中可能包括一些特殊的类型。