pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter
用作名词 (n.)
The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins. 导致痔疮形成的原因跟静脉曲胀的形成原因差不多。
Hemorrhoids consist of dilated submucosal veins which may thrombose and rupture with hematoma formation. 痔疮由扩张的黏膜下血管形成,此黏膜下血管可形成血栓和破损伴有血肿的形成。
These jokes are put down here so more hemorrhoids patients and doctors would have a moment of relief from their ordeals. 将此等笑话记录于此,以便使更多痔疾的患者及医师们,都可以在他们的磨难中略得片刻的舒缓。