- Why is the hello girl on the shelf? 为什么这个女接线员嫁不出去?(on the shelf:废弃的,未被雇用的,已退休的,不再流行的)
- Our manager was married to a hello girl. 我们的经理与一位女电话接线员结婚了
- It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。
- I wished him a hello, but he never rapped to me. 我向他问好,可是他根本不理睬我。
- I reckon the girl is a little bit boyish. 这想这个女孩有点男孩子气。
- Please say hello to your mother for me. 请代我向你母亲问好。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- She said hello to me when she saw me. 她见到我时向我打招呼。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- Hello? May I speak to Chris, please? 喂?请克里斯听电话。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- Hello? This is Jackson Irving speaking. 喂?我是杰史逊欧文。
- It's unlike you not to say hello. 连招呼都不打这不像是你。
- She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen. 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。
- The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。
- I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我!
- The shy girl tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. 那个怕羞的女孩子尽量使自己不被人注意。
- Oh, hello, Ms. Richardson. I just sent you a fax. 哦,喂,Richardson女士,我刚传真一份文件给你。
- Hello? This is Val. I am calling from Hilton. 喂?我是瓦尔。我是在希尔顿给你打电话。
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。