- heliocentric coordirnte 螺旋心坐标
- Trapped in a Heliocentric orbit. 状态: Mariner 5 - 故障。
- He also propounded the Heliocentric theory of gravitation, thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years. 他也提出以引力作用为基础的日心说,比哥白尼早了几乎一千年。
- Thus the heliocentric idea could have existed in a rudimentary form in the days of the Rig Veda and was refined further by astronomers of a later age. 因此,日心说是以一种尚未发展的形式存在于《梨俱吠陀》时期,在后来的日子里被天文学家所进一步发展。
- In 1497, astronomer Corpernicus proposed the heliocentric cosmology from his observations and calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies. 1497年,天文学家哥白尼,通过对天体运行规律的观察与计算,提出了日心宇宙学。
- The average of the six major planets Heliocentric and Geocentric are the most powerful points for Time and Price resistance. 第六大行星(土星)与日心和地心的平衡是最强大的时间和价格阻力点。
- The introduction of the Heliocentric Theory proposed by Copernicus into China is a major event in the cultural exchange between China and the West. 哥白尼日心地动说之传入中国,乃中西文化交流之大事,历来为学界所重。
- Also the Geocentric and Heliocentric average of the five major planets with Mars left out, is of great importance and should be watched. 另外,第五大行星(木星)与地心和日心的平衡并且随着火星一起左转,也是极为重要的应该关注的点。
- But for a body to be permanently captured from heliocentric orbit into a bound, stable orbit around a planet, it must lose some of its initial energy. 然而,一颗天体要完全脱离日心轨道,并稳定绕著行星运行,就必须先释出部份的初始能量。
- Had it not met an untimely death, the comet would have been ejected back into heliocentric orbit within a few hundred years. 若此彗星当年命大、逃过一劫的话,它将在数百年后绕回原先的日心轨道。
- Galileo's observations with his new telescope convinced him of the truth of Copernicus's sun-centered or heliocentric theory. 伽利略用他的望远镜对太空进行的观察,并确认了哥白尼的日心说。
- In other words, this object was very likely orbiting the Earth during this period before escaping into the heliocentric orbit from which it was captured in 2002. 换句话说,在逃走到它在2002 年被捕获的日心的轨道之前,这个物体很可能在这个时期绕地球飞行。
- Summoned to Rome to explain his heliocentric heresy, he eventually agreed to plead guilty to 'suspicion of heresy' in exchange for a lighter punishment. 他被传唤至罗马解释他的异端日心说,最终他同意承认“异端嫌疑”罪,以换取从轻发落。
- Thus we can see that what ancient Indian astronomers say comes close to the heliocentric theory of gravitation, which was a thousand years later articulated by Copernicus and Galileo inviting severe reactions from the clergy in Rome. 因此,我们可以看到古代印度天文学家所说的接近由地心吸力而来的日心说,一千年之后的哥白尼和伽俐略却受到来自罗马教会的激烈反应。
- Sergio: Heliocentric? 塞吉奥:日心说?
- Heliocentric Jupiter is20 degrees35' Gemini, which means that the price of8729 was at this degree. Heliocentric Uranus is21 degrees52' Cancer and the price at21 degrees Capricorn is opposite to this. 围绕太阳的木星对着双子座的20度35分,这意味着8729的价格是在这个度数上。围绕太阳的天王星对着巨蟹座的21度52分并且价格是在摩蝎座21度对冲的位置上。
- By means of the solar wind data observed by spacecrafts Helios A,B there are advantageous conditions to form slow shock only in low speed stream between the heliocentric distance 0.3-1.0 AU. 由飞船HeliosA,B探测资料看出,在日心距0.;3-1
- Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who was the first astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the centre of the universe. 哥白尼是博览天文学家,数学家。他是第一个提出有科学根据的日心说宇宙论,从而代替地心说的天文学家。
- This article proves from four aspects that the cosmological model in Li Xue Hui Tong comes from Copernicus' heliocentric theory with a change in the positions of the sun and the earth. 本文从图形、算、白尼理论在欧洲的发展及穆尼阁在宇宙理论上的倾向性四个方面证明了该书中的宇宙模式来自哥白尼的日心体系,但其中的日地位置被作了人为的变动。
- Also, there was Bruno who irritated the Roman tribunal ruled by pontiff who believed in geocentric theory in order to uphold heliocentric theory put forward and established by Copernicus. 我国科学家,在外国专家半途撤走后,奋战在大沙漠中,制造出了中国第一棵原子弹,给外国专家一个有力回击。