- Mark plunked the heavy suitcase down at the station. 马克在车站把沉重的箱子砰地一声放在地下。
- He lifted the heavy suitcase with a grunt. 他咕噜着把沉重的提箱拎了起来。
- He plunked the heavy suitcase down at the station. 他在车站,砰地一声把沉重的皮箱摔在地上。
- With a heave, he lifted up the heavy suitcase. 他一使劲把那只沉重的衣箱提了起来。
- Can you lift this heavy suitcase? 你能提起这个沉重的衣箱吗?
- She was struggling with a heavy suitcase. 她正费力地拎着一只沉重的手提箱。
- Would you mind helping me with this heavy suitcase? 你介意帮我搬下这个沉重的手提箱吗?
- He plonked the heavy suitcase on the platform at the station. 他在车站把沉重地箱子摔在了月台上。
- Travelling is difficult when you're encumbered with two small children and a heavy suitcase. 旅行时带着两个孩子和一个沉重的手提箱,真是寸步难行。
- When I tried to lift a heavy suitcase, I felt my back snap. 当我想提起一个重皮箱时背部感觉剧痛。
- She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase. 她试图跑起来,但是由于携带着沉重的手提箱而无法快走。
- He picked up the heavy suitcase and set off with a stagger. 他提起沉重的箱子,打个趔趄就走了。
- He picked up the heavy suitcase and set off with a stagger . 他提起沉重的箱子;打个趔趄就走了.
- She throws her heavy suitcase at Harry, winding him. 她把沉重的衣箱推给哈利,让他喘不过气来。
- At my stop,I hauled my heavy suitcase up the steep stairs and froze. 到站了,我用力地拖着沉甸甸的手提箱上了台阶,愣在那儿,辩不清方向。
- Gee, It's quite a task getting to the airport whit such a heavy suitcase. 哇,带着这么重的提箱到机场真是件苦差事。
- At my stop, I hauled my heavy suitcase up the steep stairs and froze. 到站了,我用力地拖着沉甸甸的手提箱上了台阶,愣在那儿,辩不清方向。
- She helped arrange a bellhop to bring my big heavy suitcase up to my room. 她帮我安排了一个旅馆服务生把我又大又沉的手提箱搬到了我的房间里。
- The guest is having the dinner. Another guest comes over to him with a long umbrella under his arm and a heavy suitcase in hand. 客人们正在用餐。另一位客人腋下夹着一柄长把雨伞,手里拎着一个沉重的手提箱走了过来。
- Just then, a fat and short man with a heavy suitcase came from behind the building. 就在那时,从那栋大楼的后面走来一个又矮又胖的家伙,手里提着一只沉甸甸的箱子。