- This is a heavier punishment than wearing the tall paper-hat. 这是比戴高帽子更重的罪。
- This part will try to dig out the basis and hence, the real reasons of the establishment of recidivism system, and the basis of heavy punishment is also analyzed in the part. 该部分通过挖掘累犯设立的根据,探求设立累犯的真正动因,并对累犯的从重处罚的根据进行了分析。
- The recidivism legislative must be based on the personal fatalness above the social harmfulness, and it should also be the theory foundation about heavy punishment to the recidivism. 累犯立法设置和从重处罚的理论根据应该是立足于社会危害性之上的人身危险性。
- In circumstances where beating or humiliation are involved, a heavier punishment is to be given. 具有殴打、侮辱情节的,从重处罚
- No DSAD may impose a heavier punishment on any party concerned due to their complaint. 药品监督管理部门不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。
- One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment. 教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪的,应当从重处罚。
- Anyone who instigates a person under the age of 18 to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment. 教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪的,应当从重处罚。
- As a special type of criminals,recidivists belong to the legal circumstance of heavier punishment. 累犯是一种特殊的犯罪人类型,是法定的从重处罚情节。
- Any functionary of a State organ who commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment. 国家机关工作人员犯前款罪的,从重处罚。
- No animals of any sort may be brought into Britain. There are no exceptions, and heavy punishments. 禁止带任何动物入境,无一例外,否则严惩不贷。
- Any judicial officer who abuses his power and commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment. 司法工作人员滥用职权,犯前款罪的,从重处罚。
- Any judicial officer who commits any of the crimes mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs shall be given a heavier punishment. 司法工作人员犯前两款罪的,从重处罚。
- Whoever acts indecently against a child shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. 猥亵儿童的,依照前两款的规定从重处罚。
- If a staff member of the securities regulatory authority engages in insider trading, he shall be given a heavier punishment. 证券监督管理机构工作人员进行内幕交易的,从重处罚。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。
- Whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14 is to be deemed to have committed rape and is to be given a heavier punishment. 奸淫不满十四周岁的幼女的,以强奸论,从重处罚
- Whoever lures, aids and abets, cheats or forces minors into ingesting or injecting narcotic drugs shall be given a heavier punishment. 引诱、教唆、欺骗或者强迫未成年人吸食、注射毒品的,从重处罚。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Whoever lures, instigates or forces a minor to take or inject drugs or engage in prostitution shall be given heavier punishment according to law. 引诱、教唆或者强迫未成年人吸食、注射毒品或者卖淫的,依法从重处罚。