- heavy pontoon bridge 重型舟桥
- They had some feather-brained scheme to float a pontoon bridge across the Channel. 他们要在英吉利海峡上架一座浮桥,这是一个不太切合实际的计划。
- When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely. 当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。
- Archaize timberwork pontoon,landscape pontoon,steel structure pontoon bridge,waterfront architecture. 三、仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。
- Engineers completed the longest (1,180-foot) pontoon bridge in the world over the Irrawaddy River on December 6, 1944. 1944年12月6日,工程兵在伊洛瓦底江上建成世界上最长的浮桥(360米)。
- When he got to the Red Sea,he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge,and all the people walked across safely. 当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。
- When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. 当他到达红海时,他派工程师建了一座浮桥,这样,以色列人从这座桥上越过了红海。
- "When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. 当他到红海,他让他的工程师修筑舟桥,并且所有人民安全地走了。
- The single pontoon bridge which the Japanese threw across the Halha could not sustain the major resupply effort that the embattled IJA units required to continue the battle. 日军赖以渡过哈拉哈河的唯一的浮桥无法支持大量的运输,无法为被围的日军部队提供足够的补给以维持战斗。
- Delidock is a specialized Chinese manufacturer of floating dock, pontoon bridge, dock float (fiberglass buoy), floating house, and other maritime and coastal processes. 水上建筑(房屋)、水工建筑、水上浮体建筑、滨水景观建筑、亲水建筑的咨询和设计。
- Based on the properties of pontoon bridge an its materials,this paper briefly introduces the application of FRP in pontoon bridge in order to promote he application of FRP in pontoon bridge. 针对舟桥器材及其用材的特点,介绍了玻璃钢在舟桥器材中的应用情况,旨在推动玻璃钢在我军舟桥器材中的应用。
- The characteristic of the contact action is deeply investigated, and with an exemple of convex concave joints in one pontoon bridge, two kinds of contact finite element model are established. 深入考察接触行为的特点,并以舟桥纵向连接件丙丁接头为例,建立了两种接触计算模型。
- You can often avoid strong enemy positions by deploying pontoon bridges across a river. 你可以避开敌军守卫森严的地方,建设浮桥渡河。
- But by then the Americans had six pontoon bridges over the river, and nine divisions on the far side. 然于此时,美军已经建起6座横跨莱茵河之浮桥,9个师到达河对岸。
- Underwater works. Maritime transport and demolition services. Pontoon bridges motorised using a... 分类标题:特别运输|海底工程...
- Moreover, the Japanese forces depended for resupply on one pontoon bridge across the Halha. the rest of the Japanese bridging equipment having been diverted to the China front. 此外,日军依靠架设在哈拉哈河上的浮桥进行补给,而其余的架桥设备已被转运至中国前线。
- Sometimes it also pays to destroy your pontoon bridges after you've crossed the river, in order to keep the enemy from using them. 有时你过河后要炸掉你建的浮桥,以避免敌军使用它们。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。
- The “Gushu Eight Landscapes” and “Three Temples and Two Pontoon Bridges” are well known for the beauty scenery as well as Tianmen Mountain and Caishi Rock in the history. 境内“姑孰八景”和“三塔两浮桥”等风景名胜享誉四方,历史上还拥有天门山、采石矶等著名古迹。