- heavy armored protection 重装甲防护
- A piece of armor protecting the throat. 护喉甲用来保护咽喉的盔甲
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor. 狼骑现在具有轻型护甲而不是原来的重型。
- Night Elf Ancients now have Heavy armor when uprooted. 暗夜精灵的古树在起立以后变为重甲.
- Can possess enemy vehicles, countering other races' heavy armor. 能持有敌人车辆,制止其他的座圈环的重装甲。
- Knight P HQ Version Knight!!! Big sword and heavy armor!! 出征;士兵;战争;战士;武士;盔甲;...
- An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship. 军舰上的露天炮塔军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体
- The property characteristics of bulletproof fiber composites and the applications in armor protection field are reviewed in this paper. 综述了防弹纤维复合材料的性能特点及其在装甲防护领域的应用,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
- The heaviest type of armor, made up of shaped plates of metal or similarly resilient material, plate provides the most armor protection. 板甲是所有护甲中最重的,由各种型状的金属板或其他近似的弹性物料制成。
- A character can't use this feat if he or she is carrying a heavy load or wearing heavy armor. 一个字不能以此壮举如果他或她是带着沉重包袱还是穿盔甲。
- A piece of mail or plate armor protecting the joints in a suit of armor. 护腋甲片盔甲中用来保护连结处的铠甲或薄盔
- Equiped with a spears and armored in mail, these units are well suited to counter the heavy armored Christian knights threatening the khalifate. 他们手持长矛,身穿链甲,擅长对抗重装骑兵,令任何敢于冒犯哈里发的狂妄基督骑士陷入灭顶之灾。
- Taking off the heavy armor, Chuang Tzu sat down immodestly beside the desk in good taste. 庄子也不客气将笨重的盔甲脱下来,大大方方地在边桌坐了下来。
- Nebelwerfer burning ground does not damage heavy armor and has significantly reduced damage to light armor. 国防军6管火箭的燃烧效果不会对重型装甲造成伤害,对于轻甲的伤害也将显著减少.
- Eyewitnesses say Israel has been 1)bulldozing homes to make way for heavy armor. 目击者说以军强迫当地人为重型装甲部队让道。
- "Our goal and what we're working towards is that no wheeled vehicle that leaves Kuwait going into Iraq is driven by a solder that does not have some level of armored protection on it," he said. 他说:“我们的目标和努力方向是,任何一名军人驾驶的、离开科威特前往伊拉克的车辆,都不能没有某种程度的装甲防护。”
- The 88mm gun was extremely powerful and the heavy armor made it almost impervious to attack. 88毫米火炮威力相当巨大而且重型装甲使得它几乎在攻击的时候不受任何的影响。
- Specialties: Tank, heavy armor (including full plate), pole arm, multihit Area of Effect. 标准搬运工在周围提供一帮助征服者队,通常增加损害。
- The heavy armor also allows the warrior to resist knockback attacks more than any other class. 穿厚的盔甲并且使用的2交给的武器,征服者信任逃避回避敌人攻击。
- SK: Ah, a common problem with the heavier armors. 啊,重型盔甲的普遍问题。