- The game didn't heat up until the second half. 游戏玩到后半场才热闹起来。
- It took a long time to heat up the stove. 加热炉子花了很长一段时间。
- The room was cold when we arrived, but soon began to heat up. 我们到达时房间里很冷,但很快就变热了起来。
- Come on-it's make your mind up time! 嗨!你该做出决定了!
- I want to change my wake up time. 我想改变叫醒时间。
- You would better heat up the tomato soup . 你最好把蕃茄汤热一下。
- Heat up time of material 物料受热时间
- If you heat up ice,it will melt into water. 如果你给冰加热,它就会化成水。
- We'll heat up some milk for the coffee. 我们要热些牛奶来喝咖啡。
- When waiting for the train he filled up time by reading newspapers. 等火车时他以读报消磨时间。
- Just heat up the food in the microwave. 把食物放在微波炉里热热就行了。
- The oven takes a while to heat up. 烤箱得过会儿才能热起来。
- Yes,I don't mind giving up time to help,within limits. 好,我不介意拿出些时间来帮助你,但要有个限度。
- If you wear this coat, you will heat up. 如果你穿上这件大衣,你会暖和起来。
- The pick up time is seven thirty tomorrw morning,sir. 先生,出发时间是明天早上7点30分。
- The big room will not heat up easily. 这间大房间不容易变暖。
- Could you please turn the heat up? 您能把暖气开大点儿吗?
- Activity, such as schoolwork or office work, meant to take up time but not necessarily yield productive results. 无生产性工作,机关工作占用时间但不必要获得生产结果的活动,如学校工作或机关工作
- Please heat up the cold meat for supper. 请把冷肉热一下,吃晚饭用。
- This learning period can eat up time and cause frustration. 学习期间可能耗费时间,而且令人灰心。