- A heat exchanger, in a narrow sense, is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- Wuxi Guanyun Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. 无锡市冠云换热器有限公司。
- Wuxi Hongsheng Heat Exchanger Mfg. Co., Ltd. 无锡市宏盛换热器有限公司。
- Hubei Dengfeng heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. 湖北登峰换热器股份有限公司。
- Foshan KAMUI Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. 佛山神威热交换器有限公司。
- A heat exchanger in a narrow sense is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- Transmission oil is cooled by a heat exchanger. 变速箱油通过一个热交换器冷却。
- Also a heat exchanger in Scombridae. 同时也是鲭科鱼类的一种热交换器。
- Fouling detection for plate heat exchanger? 板式换热器的污垢监测?
- According to the status of sewage in a pharmaceutical factory in Harbin, uses the multistage spray heat exchanger in the sewage-source heat pump system. 摘要根据哈尔滨某制药厂的污水情况,在污水源热泵系统中采用多级淋激式换热器作为污水侧换热器。
- The gas can be cooled by a heat exchanger after the air heater. 烟气可以用空气加热器后的热交换器来冷却。
- Be familiar with use, configuration, management, operation and maintenance of compressor, pump, tower, heat exchanger and vessel etc. 熟悉压缩机、泵、塔、换热器及容器等设备的作用、结构、管理、操作和维护。
- The performance of ground heat exchanger directly influences first investment and running costs of ground source heat pump system. 摘要地下换热器换热性能直接影响到地源热泵系统的初投资和运行成本。
- A GSHP that uses a buried plastic pipe loop as a heat exchanger. 一种用埋在地下的塑料管回路做热交换器的地源热泵系统。
- Condensate not picked up by the reflux pump is cooled in heat exchanger E, called the product cooler, and withdrawn as the overhead product. 未被回流泵输送的冷凝液在换热器(或称冷却器)E中被冷却,作为塔顶产品取出。
- Expanding heat exchanger coil's hairpin tube or copper tube. 冷冻空调特殊散热盘管扩张之制作。
- New type heat exchanger consists of five cell subassemblies. 所研究的新型换热器由5个单元组成。
- Investigates the influence of subcooled finned tube heat exchanger on the system performance of air-source heat pump chiller experimentally. 对过冷段翅片管换热器对空气源热泵冷热水机组系统性能的影响进行试验研究。
- The catalytic reforming system mainly consists of fractionating tower, hydrogenation reactor, heat exchanger, pump and catalytic reforming reactor. 催化重整系统主要包括预分馏塔、预加氢反应器、汽提塔、重整反应器、再接触系统、稳定塔、换热器和泵设备。
- Be familiar with related equipment principle (power substation, chiller, air compressor, HVAC, water pump, heat exchanger ...etc. 熟悉相应厂务设备设施以及生产设备的原理。