- Application of a natural stratification heat storage tank toindustrial waste h. 自然分层蓄热技术在工业余热回收中的应用。
- The resin had good heat storage stability and pigment had widely wettability. 得到的树脂具有良好的热储稳定性,颜料广泛润湿性。
- Furthermore, the heat storage anomaly of December in the SCS can be used as a predictor for the onset of the SCS summer monsoon. 进一步分析还发现,南海12月份热含量异常可以作为南海夏季风爆发的一种预报指标。
- Combining ocean current and heat storage data is key to understanding global climate variations. 结合洋流和储热的数据是深层理解全球气候变动的关键。
- A heat storage tank was connected in series with the water loop to improve the system running characteristics. 在水环热泵空调系统中有串联在水环路上的蓄热水箱来改善系统的运行特性。
- The technology of phase change for heat storage is signality for energy source allocation. 但是单纯的相变储热材料存在导热性能差、达到相变温度后液态化的缺点,实际应用可能性不大。
- Adopting an innovative ultra-thin fusing roller, instead of conventional thick-wall roller that functions as heat storage. 用创新的极细热熔滚筒替代传统的、粗厚的、贮存热量的滚筒。
- With the harmonic analysis method, we can find that the heat storage anomaly in the SCS has about 0.5, 1.5, 2.4, 4 and 6 years period oscillations besides annual change. 对此时间序列进行谐波分析可以看出,南海热含量异常除了具有显著的年变化周期外,还存在明显的0.;5、1
- In this article,Problems and solutions in the process of honeycomb heat storage bed preparation and using are discussed in detail. 着重对蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体在制备及使用过程中存在的主要问题及解决措施进行了较详细的论述。
- First of all, this paper demonstrates the physics property and structure, including heat storage and melting point law of mixture mol. 高温太阳能传热蓄热技术是太阳能高温热利用的关键技术,在其中传热蓄热介质对于系统的效率提高和成本降低起这很大作用。
- The dynamic thermal performance of honeycomb potter heat storage bed used in High Temperature Air Combustion are experimentally tested. 摘要对高温空气燃烧技术中的关键设备-蜂窝型陶瓷蓄热体换热器的热动态特性进行了实验测试。
- "But this isn't rocket science," says Dr Barrett."It is quite clear we can go hell for leather installing renewables because we can deal with intermittency using heat storage. “但这不是火箭科学,”巴雷特博士说,“很显然,我们能尽力安装可再生能源,因为我们能够利用热能储集对付间歇现象。”
- J.P. Conniff, “Strategies for Reducing Peak Air-Conditioning Loads By Using Heat Storage in the Building Structure.“, ASHRAE Trans. Vol.97(1) 1991, U.S.A. 涂世达、黄佳文、颜荣良,”建筑物储冷能力与空调运转模式分析研究”,中国冷冻空调杂志,民国八十二年四月。
- "There is massive potential in heat storage, and this concept is eminently achievable," says Bathurst, "but I think it will need a more intelligent system to make it work". “热能储集有巨大的潜力,这个理念是非常切实可行的,”巴瑟斯特说,“不过,我认为要使其起作用还需要更具智能的系统。”
- The terrestrial heat is very obvious,the heat storage layer is growing,has abundant geothermic resources and is equipped with the condition of the geothermic well to be forming. 渭河盆地北缘地质构造相对简单,地热异常明显,储热层发育,有丰富的地热资源,具备地热井成井条件。
- This paper dealt with the charging process of a cylindrical heat storage capsule filled with stearic acid,sliced paraffin and lauric acid as phase change materials. 主要研究由硬脂酸、切片石蜡和月桂酸三种相变材料组合的圆柱型储热单元的储热特性。
- As a latent heat storage material with phase change, erythritol exhibits the disadvantage of large extent of supercooling in the process of solidificating heat release. 作为相变蓄热材料的赤藻糖醇在凝固释热过程中有强烈的过冷倾向,且过冷度很不稳定。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- The concept of a universal function P(N) supposed by kitaigoro-dskii is used in the forecasting model and the used parametrs are wind, Coriolis parameter, thermal expansion coefficient and heat storage wi-thin the mixed layer. 所使用的参数是风、科氏参数、热膨胀系数和混合层内的热储量,在预报模式中应用了Kitaigorodsii的普遍函数概念。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。