- heat release signal 热量信号
- Please do not plug equipment heat release system. 请不要堵塞设备的散热系统。
- In equipment operation, not plug equipment heat release part. 在设备运转时,请勿堵塞设备的散热部位。
- Disturbances in the recirculating flow regime can produce related variations in the heat release rate in the primary mixing region. 回流区域内的扰动可使主要混合区内热量释放发生相应的变化。
- Weight light, reduce weight effectively; absorb capacity, reduced vibration, heat release easy and high safety. 比重轻、有效降重;吸能减震易散热、安全性高。
- In an adiabatic system, this heat release serves to increase the chamber temperature. 在一绝热系统中,放出的热量增加了燃烧室的温度。
- The Effect of Latent Heat Release on the Evolution of a Warm Occluded Thermal Structure. 潜热释放对热固囚热结构的作用。
- The selectivity behavior becomes coupled with the heat release hehavior for this particular reaction. 对这个具体反应来说,选择特性和放热特性关联起来了。
- The results show that vorticity advection, thermal advection and latent heat release made great contribution to the development of the depression. 中低层的温度平流、降水凝结释放潜热维持上升运动,是低压进一步发展的有利条件。
- Heat released by the oxidation keeps the metal molten. 氧化过程中释放出来热量还能保持金属熔化。
- The heat release graphs of platelets cryopreserved with or without 5% DMSO were also measured by differential scanning calorimeter(DSC). 同时利用差式扫描量热计 (dsc)记录加和不加 5 %25DMSO的血小板在降温过程中的放热峰。
- Some tiled roof tiles are used for insulation plus once elevated, will be insulated to ensure daytime, evening and Yi heat release. 利用屋面材料外表面的浅颜色和光滑程度对太阳辐射热的反射作用,也可以降低其内表面的湿度和传入室内的热量。
- The heat release rate (HRR) of a fire in a tunnel is a crucial factor, both in terms of fire spread and smoke production. 隧道内火灾的热释放速率对火灾蔓延和烟气生成起着关键作用。
- The heat release of boron during the combustion of propellant was analyzed by measuring the explosion heat of prepellant. 用氧弹式量热计测试含硼富燃料推进剂的爆热,分析硼在推进剂燃烧过程中的放热。
- The subgrid-scaleburnt/unburnt volumes of the flame containing cells aretracked for the primary heat release calculation. 在主要放热的计算中,对于包含了多个单元的火焰 ,跟踪了亚网格尺度的“已燃/未燃 ”比值。
- Abstract: This paper proposes a new method to predict heat release rate from fuel injection rate in swirl chamber diesel engines. 文摘:提出了由喷油规律预测涡流室柴油机总放热规律和主、副室放热规律的一种新方法。
- Latent heat release accompanying deep convection is critical in offsetting longwave radiative cooling in the middle and upper troposphere. 长波辐射造成的对流层中、上层大气的冷却则主要由深对流潜热释放来补偿。
- There is also an enormous amount of heat released in the exhaust gasses! 而且在尾气里也会释放出巨大的热量。
- The NIST 3 Megawatt Quantitative Heat Release Rate Facility, National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1007 (2003). 陈俊勋,建筑物防火安全与防火建材,交通大学机械工程学系(2005)。