- heat of cement hydration 水泥水化热
- Great temperature difference and thermal stresses are caused by heat of hydration of cement to lead to creaks during mass concrete construction processing. 在大体积混凝土工程施工中,由水泥水化热引起混凝土浇筑体内外温差和温度应力的剧烈变化,产生裂缝。
- The effects of SAE on the density, absorbency, setting time and cement hydration of cement mortars were studied. 考察了SAE对水泥砂浆的密度、吸水性、凝结时间以及水泥水化速度的影响。
- Testing method for heat of hydration of cement 水泥的水合热的测试方法
- The effects of SAE on the density, absorbency, s etting time and cement hydration of cement mortars were studied. 考察了SAE对水泥砂浆的密度、吸水性、凝结时间以及水泥水化速度的影响。
- Morever,with the help of calorimetric method,reaction rule of cement hydration in different state can be studied. 可以研究水泥在不同条件下的水化反应规律。
- The kind of admixed coal gangue bas influence on the property of cement hydration. 煤矸石种类对水化性能有影响。
- The principle of isothermal calorimetry,typical instrument(TAM Air) and its application in field of cement hydration have been described. 介绍了等温量热法测量的原理、典型的仪器以及在水泥水化研究中应用所具有的特点。
- Due to the character of isothermal calorimeter,we can obtain complete thermogenic curves of cement hydration during hydration process. 通过它可以获得完整的水泥水化过程产热曲线;
- The principle of isothermal calorimetry, typical instrument (TAM Air) and its application in field of cement hydration have been described. 摘要介绍了等温量热法测量的原理、典型的仪器以及在水泥水化研究中应用所具有的特点。
- Test method for heat of hydration of cement(adiabatic method) 水泥水化热试验方法(直接法)
- Effect of Mixture of Slag Powder and Fly Ash on Hydration Heat of Cement 掺矿渣粉、粉煤灰对水泥水化热的影响
- A cloth was seared by the heat of the oven. 一块布被烤箱烧焦了。
- Concrete is made of cement, sand, stone and water. 混凝土是由水泥,砂子石头和水混合做的。
- The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump. 水泥袋砰的一声落在地上。
- Study on the Control over the Cement Hydration Heat of the Phase Change Materials 相变材料在水泥水化热温度控制方面的研究
- In the heat of the argument I lost my self-control. 在激烈的争论中,我失去了自制力。
- They lay by during the heat of the day. 他们在白天最热的时候停下来休息。
- The eggs are hatched by the heat of the sun. 这些卵被太阳的热力所孵化。
- Superplasticizer mainly absorbs on the cement hydrates covering the surface of cement particles instead of on the surface of unhydrated particles. 超塑化剂主要是大量吸附在水泥颗粒表面的水化产物上而不是吸附在未水化水泥颗粒表面。