- heat hemolysis test of red blood cell 红细胞热溶试验
- heat hemolysis test 热溶血试验
- Objective: To study the preparation process of compound ginkgo biloba injection and hemolysis test. 目的:筛选银杏注射剂的处方和制备工艺,进行溶血性考察。
- Conclusion: The preparation process is stable and the hemolysis test is accurate and easy to be observed. 结论:筛选的制备工艺稳定,紫外分光光度法测定溶血度快速准确。
- Experiments on the acute toxicity and hemolysis test of the eel show that the material possesses good biocompatibility. 其急性毒性及溶血试验合格,表明该材料具有良好的生物相容性。
- heat hemolytic test 热溶血试验
- Methods The methods used in this study as following: the venous and muscular stimulation test, the allergy test and the hemolysis test. 方法采用静脉注射血管刺激性、肌肉注射刺激性、过敏试验和溶血试验。
- A new method agar diffsive hemolysis test (ADHT)was esteblished to measure thd hemlytic titer of HEC toxin produced by Aeromonas hydrophila. 建立琼脂扩散溶血试验用以测定嗜水气单胞菌HEC毒素的溶血价,同时与分光光度法及微量溶试验进行比较。
- Moreover, the blood compatibility of PDMS/O-MMT nanocomposites was evaluated by hemolysis test, recalcification time and platelet adhesion test. 在此基础上,用溶血试验、复钙化时间和体外血小板粘附试验表征了材料的血液相容性。
- OBJECTIVE:To compare the application of the improved hemolysis test and the routine in vitro test tube me_ thod in compound Shenshao injection. 目的比较常规体外试管法及改进的体外溶血试验法在中药注射剂中的应用。
- Methods The safety of Clindamycin Phosphate injection was evaluated by the allergy test,venous and muscle stimulation test and hemolysis test. 方法采用过敏试验、静脉血管刺激试验、肌肉刺激试验、溶血试验观察克林霉素磷酸酯的安全性。
- Methods To evaluate the biocompatibility through acute toxicity test,pyrogen test,hemolysis test and muscle and bone implantation test. 方法对牛去细胞骨基质进行急性毒性实验、热源实验、溶血实验、兔肌肉内种植实验和兔桡骨骨缺损修复实验研究。
- Cell growth rate test and hemolysis test were conducted to investigate the cytotoxicity and hemolysis reaction for skin reproducing membrane. 其方法是采用细胞增殖度试验和溶血试验,对医用丝素蛋白皮肤再生膜进行细胞毒性和溶血反应的实验研究。
- Method:Two methods were adopted in this study including tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay(MTT assay) and hemolysis test. 方法:选择了2种体外试验即四氮唑盐比色法(MTT)体外细胞毒性试验和急性溶血试验。
- RESULTS:Improved in vitro hemolysis test can determine the concentration of compound Shenshao injection more accurately. 结果改进的体外溶血法能更准确地判断复方参芍注射剂的溶血浓度。
- METHODS:Compound Shenshao injection was studied through adoption of the hemolysis test stipulated by the pharmacologic empirical methodology. 方法根据药理实验方法学规定的溶血性试验方法,以复方参芍注射剂为研究对象进行试验。
- The excellent properties of nanocomposites were characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM, mechanical properties, hemolysis test and the adhesion of blood platelet test. 通过FT-IR、XRD、SEM和机械性能测试了解改性氧化石墨微观纳米结构对材料宏观性能的影响;
- Objective To investigate the relationship between CD59 and traditional hemolysis tests for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. 目的研究CD59抗原与传统的阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症溶血试验之间的关系。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- Method In vitro and in vivo studies includin g acute and subacute systemic toxicity test,hemolysis test,hemo pexis test,skin test,muscle implan t test and serum specific antibodies test. 方法进行急性和亚急性毒性实验、溶血实验、凝血试验、皮内实验、热源实验和肌肉内植入实验和血清特异性抗体检测。