- heat balance analysis 热平衡分析
- A heat balance gives the temperature of solids at any time. 从热量衡算可以得到固体颗粒任何时候的温度。
- A heat balance test and exergy analysis was made for different standard buring barium kilns. 对不同规格的烧钡害进行热平衡测试及分析,找出共同存在的问题及主要差距,指出节能途径。
- The temperature model was based on a heat balance of reactor. 温度动力学基于反应器的热量平衡。
- A heat balance test and exergy analysis was made for different standard buring barium kilns.It is found that common problems and main difference exist in them.Theways of saving energy are pointed out. 对不同规格的烧钡害进行热平衡测试及分析,找出共同存在的问题及主要差距,指出节能途径。
- The thermodynamic system heat balance calculation method based on a topological analysis is considered as the most successful computer based method for calculating thermal power plant heat balance. 热力系统拓扑分析的热平衡计算方法是火电厂热平衡计算中最成功的计算机处理方法。
- Based on the analysis of heat balance of the reheating furnaces at Xiangtan I &S Corporation production practices in reducing consumption and saving energy are systematically summarized. 通过对湘钢线材加热炉的热平衡测试分析,系统地总结了湘钢线材加热炉近年来节能降耗的生产实践。
- The balance analysis based on the stochastic production simulation can find out the supplying and operating conditions of a system more pointedly. 电力电量平衡是电力系统规划设计最基本的分析方法,基于随机生产模拟的电力电量平衡分析能更深刻地揭示系统供求状况与运行状况。
- The heat released from chemical reactions in its interior has no significance for the heat balance of the earth. 地球内部化学反应释放的热对于地球的热平衡并不重要。
- In the background of separation of power plants from the power grids and establishment of power market it is necessary to implement the profit and loss balance analysis. 在目前厂网分开、逐步建立发电侧竞争性电力市场的背景下,进行盈亏平衡分析很有必要。
- In addition the return plenum zone must be fully input as a zone object for the heat balance calculation. 另外,回风静压区域必须完全作为一个用于热平衡计算的区域对象输入。
- The first type requires a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue. 第一类要求分析权衡一个法律问题或争端。
- The problem of thermospheric heat balance may also be written in time-dependent form. 热层的热平衡问题亦可以写成与时间有关的形式。
- The results of water balance analysis were that the rainfall meet the requirement of 28.1% of water consumption of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, 36.3% of Populus alba. 对3种乔木的耗水量和降水量进行水分平衡分析;结果表明:同期降水总量只能满足樟子松蒸腾耗水量的28.;1%25、新疆杨的36
- The author analyzes by heat balance the advaatages in the industrial operation of the gasifier of Anyang Chemical Group. 笔者通过热量衡算分析了安阳化工集团煤气发生炉工业操作上的优点。
- The paper describes the gas balance analysis before and after the retrofitting of Suppl.BlastFurnace,and the pipe network reduidling design is also recounted. 本文对广州钢铁企业集团有限公司3%23高炉改造完成前、后的高炉煤气进行平衡分析,并阐述了公司高炉煤气管网的改造设计。
- COREX process is briefly introduced.A static model combining a set of mass and heat balance equations was developed. 简述了COREX工艺流程,开发了建立在物料-热量平衡方程组上的COREX工艺静态模型。
- Using the basic theory of soil moving and river bed changing,the authors made rush-siltation balance analysis and calculation and put forward dredge-harnessing scheme. 整治方案运用了泥沙运动的基本理论和河床演变的基本原理,对马尾河进行冲淤平衡分析计算,并按水动力学规律疏浚整治河道,以恢复河道良好的水力条件,稳定河势。
- The author analyzs by heat balance the advantages in the industrial operation of the gasifier of Anyang Chemical Grup. 笔者通过热量衡算分析了安阳化工集团煤气发生炉工业操作上的优点。
- The system has the functions such as real-time rainfall analysis, evaporation analysis, calculation of surface runoff yield, water balance analysis, etc. 该系统具有实时降雨分析、蒸发分析、地表水产流计算、水量平衡分析等功能。