- heat addition pipe network 供热管网
- Monitoring System of The heat addition pipe and heat transfer station Based on GPRS and Embeded System 基于嵌入式系统和GPRS的热网换热站监控系统
- This paper also introduces two platform courses in BESE which are pipe network in fluid transportation and the principal of heat mediu... 为此,文章提出了改变建筑环境与设备工程专业课程体系,设置专业平台课的重要意义与作用;
- Focus on road and bridge projects, urban drainage network, gas heat pipe network, telecommunications power network construction. 重点抓好路桥工程、城市给排水管网、燃气热力管网、电信电力管网建设。
- The company is collect pyroelectricity couplet is produced, concentration is heat addition, gas be defeated deserve to be an organic whole.. 公司是集热电联产、集中供热、煤气输配为一体...
- System will monitor a hydrant fueling pipe network with approximately 8 hydrant fuel pits. 这个系统将要监测有大约8个加油点的输油管网。
- The article passes an analysis to prove, explain cold couplet of pyroelectricity burning gas offers the optimal way that is natural gas heat addition. 本文通过分析论证,说明燃气热电冷联供是天然气供热的最佳方式。
- BNL company headquarters is located in north of British York county, main production is thermoplastic bearing component carries heat addition model to shape technical solution. BNL企业总部处于英国约克郡北部,重要岀产热塑轴承组件并供应热塑成型技能处理方法。
- Current and Yueyang Ming dynasty courtyard companies engaged in natural gas pipe network construction projects. 目前与岳阳大明公司合作从事天然气庭院管网建设工程。
- A multivariable control system has been developed which manipulates heat addition and inflow so as to control digestion temperature and effluent substrate concentration. 多变量控制系统的操作变量为供热量和进水量,被控变量为消化温度和消化污泥排出浓度。
- Proposal Yinchuan city should accelerate implementation pyroelectricity couplet to produce concentration heat addition pace of infrastructure of this one city. 建议银川市应加快实现热电联产集中供热这一城市基础设施步伐。
- We use drilling hole detection, excavation eye-measurement and geological analysis technique to survey the pipe network. 本文论述了钻孔探测法、开挖目测法及地质分析法对埋地煤气管网进行全面的普查。
- Practice proves already, in system of ground radiate heat addition, caloric is delivered, basically be radiation, it is convection next, finally is to conduct. 实践早已证实,地面辐射供热系统中,热量的传递,主要是辐射,其次是对流,最后是传导。
- The expert KBS of heating pipe network failure diagnosis system was established via the results of failure simulating experiments. 通过对故障模拟实验结果的分析,进一步建立起供热管网故障诊断的系统专家知识库。
- Hongtong city located in east bank of Fenhe River and has high groundwater level, which cause the difficulty of city pipe network s laying out. 洪洞县地处汾河东岸,地下水位高,敷设城市管网困难很大,且目前无煤气和热力管网。
- The discharge of warmed water is returned to the sea via a separate discharge system with pressurised pipe network and sea outfall. 变热后的水通过另一个包含增压管网和海洋排水口的独立系统排放到海洋中。
- The pipe network in pneumatic cut tobacco feeding system was simulatively regulated by using MATLAB language and fluid network analysis. 运用MATLAB语言,采用流体网络分析法,对风力送丝系统中的风送管网进行了模拟调节。
- More open loop energy equations help to avoid virtualbalance phenomena in polygenetic gas pipe network of certain pressure. 增加了开环能量方程从而避免了定压多气源管网存在虚平衡现象。
- Concentration of the valve parts damaged by mis-assembly or pipe loading. Reassembly the valve or eliminate the additional pipe loading. 由于装配不当或管道载荷等因素,使阀门零件的同轴度受到破坏。应重新装配或排除管道的附加载荷;
- ABSTRACT:This paper is written in co-ordination with the research of "the UrbanUnderground Pipe Network Graph Information System". 摘要:本文的撰写是结合课题“城市地下管网图形信息系统”的研制而进行的。