- Some hearing impaired persons can listen with the assistance of hearing aid. 部份失听人士在配戴助听机后是可以接收声音的。
- In the past, the spiral tips of conch shells were often used as aids for the hearing impaired. 过去,海螺贝壳螺旋状的尖端常被用作听障人士的助听器。
- Subtitles descriptive texts can be provided in the video so that hearing impaired users can read what is presented. 录像可加入字幕说明,使听觉受损用户可阅读网页内容。
- High technology is providing visually and hearing impaired people with increased self-sufficiency. 高科技设备在不断增强视力和听力损伤者的自理能力。
- Methods 20 hearing impaired patients with tinnitus were evaluated after wearing hearing aid for at least 6 months. 方法对20例伴有听力下降、病程在1年以上的耳鸣患者,观察配戴助听器至少6个月后耳鸣的变化情况。
- Ms Wang of the hearing impaired support group and Ms Tang of the autistic classrooms presented JHF's model of community based therapy and education. 聋儿项目的王女士和自闭症班的唐女士在会上介绍了建华以社区为基础的康复和教育模式。
- The show's main characters are played by two hearing impaired performers that perform a series of breathtaking martial arts stunts throughout the show. 紧锣密鼓猛似虎,屏声敛气轻如燕,好一对英雄好汉。这个节目由聋人和盲人同台演绎,盲人默记节拍,即伴奏,又配音,还是聋人的手语指挥。
- She did not have any evidence of hearing impairment. 她没有任何听力损害的证据。
- The JHF Support Group for Parents of Hearing Impaired Children, in cooperation with the Tianjin Disabled Persons' Federation (DPF), made significant gains during 2004. 2004年,建华聋儿家长联谊会和天津市残疾人联合会(残联)一起合作,取得了很大的成功。
- JHF associate Elena Down (Australia) assisted Ms Wu Xiaomeng, a hearing impaired university student, to teach parents sign language in a weekly support group. 建华的外籍成员唐丽霞(澳大利亚)帮助一位有听力障碍的大学学生吴晓萌小姐在每周一次的家长会上教家长手语。
- Methods The auditory and visual material in Chinese was formulated in a multimedia analytic rehabilitation system for aural rehabilitation for hearing impaired children. 方法训练素材由易到难进行设计,按照汉语语音学规律分为字词长短、声调辨别、元音辨别和辅音辨别四个难度不同的部分。
- Emotion of normal hearing children plays a very important role in early education and this isespecially true of the rehabilitation of the hearing impaired. 在普通幼儿教育中情感教学有着举足轻重的作用,对有听力障碍的聋儿进行康复教育时更应该重视情感教育。
- But one of the most important things to remember is to continue to play, sing and talk with your child. This loving attention is vital for all children, hearing impaired or not. 最重要是要记住不断的与孩子游戏,唱歌和交谈。对所有孩子的关爱是非常重要的,无论是听力损失的孩子还是正常听力的孩子。
- In order to help the hearing impaired people carry through speech training based on vision,a new method which makes speech signal shown in image was proposed. 为了帮助听力语言障碍者进行基于视觉语音训练,提出了一种将语音信号形成图像的新方法。
- It provides a free employment counselling and placement service for the hearing impaired, sight impaired, physically handicapped, chronically ill, ex-mentally ill and mentally handicapped. 该科向弱听人士、弱视人士、肢体伤残人士、长期病患者、精神病康复者和弱智人士免费提供就业辅导和安排就业服务。
- His hearing was impaired after the explosion. 爆炸后他的听力受到了损害。
- Background: Hearing impairment in children can hamper learning process in them. 摘要背景:小儿的突发性耳聋临床上罕见。
- He received gentamicin and salicylate showed minor hearing impairment. 他接受庆大霉素和水杨酸盐治疗,发生轻度听力损害。
- It provides a free employment counselling and placement service for the hearing impaired,sight impaired,physically handicapped,chronically ill,ex-mentally ill and mentally handicapped. 该科向弱听人士、弱视人士、肢体伤残人士、长期病患者、精神病康复者和弱智人士免费提供就业辅导和安排就业服务。
- Objective:To prevent the drug-induced hearing impairment and deafness. 目的:提出预防药源性听力减退和耳聋的发生。