- heap curses on sb. 大咒某人
- Folk tales as they are, they show how ordinary people hate Qin Hui, heaping curses on him and hoping that the gods would turn him into pigs, to be slaughtered and cut up. 这些都反映了人们痛恨秦桧,咒他变猪变狗,应遭千刀万剐。
- The virago vomited out curses on that tramp. 那悍妇怒骂那流浪汉。
- The old man hailed down curses on our heads. 那老头把我们劈头盖脑地大骂了一顿。
- All of us piled curses on the unpopular speaker. 我们都大肆咒骂那个不受欢迎的演讲人。
- She rained down curses on their heads. 她把他们骂得狗血淋头。
- The old woman rained down curses on our heads. 那个老妇人冲我们大骂不止。
- Inflict [take, wreak] vengeance(up) on sb. 对。。。报仇[雪恨]
- Confer a rank,an office or power on sb. 授予某人官阶、职位或权力。
- Have an effect on sb,excite or stir sb. 影响到某人,刺激或煽动某人。
- A to leave a deep impression on sb. 意为给某人留下了深刻的印象。
- Emotionally dependent on sb; stay too close to sb. 感情上依靠某人;太接近某人;依恋。
- Inflict a crushing defeat on sb. 使某人一败涂地。
- Big Sister, you breath, and it should be understood! Do not yell curses on! 大姐,你初一了,应该懂吧!不要一开口就骂人!
- Impose on sb's kindness by asking for a personal favor. 利用某人的好心请求他帮自己一个忙。
- May he rest in peace,eg carved as an inscription on sb's tombstone. 愿他安息,如刻于墓碑上的字样。
- Want to take revenge on sb; Bear ill will towards sb. 欲向某人报复;对某人不怀好意。
- The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. 耶和华你的神必将这一切咒诅加在你仇敌和恨恶你,逼迫你的人身上。
- Heap one's affection on sb. 把爱倾注在某人身上。
- The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 祭司要写这咒诅的话,将所写的字抹在苦水里