- Influence on the Education of Healthy Psychology Exerted by P. E. 体育教育对师范院校大学生心理健康教育影响的研究。
- Title: Influence on the Education of Healthy Psychology Exerted by P. E. 关键词:体育教育;师范院校;大学生;心理健康教育
- Good family environment, will be pregnant with a person's healthy psychology and sound personality and have offered the essential condition for growing up healthy behavior. 良好的家庭环境,会孕育一个人健康的心理和健全的人格,为其健康行为的培养提供了必要的条件。
- Political corruption negatively influences the development of healthy psychology of democracy and reduces the effectiveness and authoritativeness of a democratic system. 损害民主制度的有效性和权威性,侵蚀着保障民主的制度体系;直接损害着政治资源,分散民主发展的凝聚力等多个方面导致了民主贫穷。
- Development of Students'Healthy Psychology Quality 大学生健康心理素质培养
- This paper presents some methods to cultivate university students' healthy psychology,by analysing status of university students' mental health and reasons for psychological problems. 本文通过对当代大学生心理健康现状、心理问题产生原因的分析,提出了大学生健康心理的培养方法。
- Reading therapy is a kind of psychological therapy about integrating prevention, treatment and healthy psychological development. 摘要阅读疗法是集预防、治疗、发展健康心理于一体的心理治疗方法。
- And sports games can prepare children to nurture fine sense of morals and tastes,getting rid of egoist practices,and develop striving spirit and healthy psychological qualities. 经研究:体育游戏能够促进儿童身心的发展需要,为儿童从小树立良好的品德和高尚的情操,打下基础,帮助儿童摆脱以自我为中心,培养儿童积极的情感和健康的心理素质。
- Cultivating Adult Students to Keep Healthy Psychology 成人高校应重视心理健康教育
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。
- I am always interested in psychology. 我一直对心理学感兴趣。
- Cancer ate away his healthy flesh. 癌症侵害了他健康的肌体。
- I can't understand that man's psychology. 我无法理解那个人的心理。
- The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
- Her face glowed with a healthy red sheen. 她的脸上闪着健康的红光。
- On Developing College Students'Healthy Psychology by Outdoors S'ports 通过拓展训练提高大学生心理素质
- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。
- He has obtained a degree in psychology. 他已在心理学方面获得学位。
- The child showed a healthy curiosity. 那孩子有好奇心,这是好现象。