- Che Junyou arrives at the long healthy cow to breed the plot, to plot administrative personnels, cow mariculture operator inquire closely fresh milk production, sales situation. 车俊又来到长健奶牛养殖小区,向小区管理人员、奶牛养殖户仔细询问鲜奶生产、销售情况。
- During the study of biological therapy of cow's endometritis a bacterial strain was isolated from vagina of healthy COwS. 在研究母牛子宫内膜炎的生物疗法中,作者从健康母牛阴道中分离出了一种产酸能力强的菌株,经鉴定为乳杆菌属的一株菌。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass. 牛吃完草后开始反刍。
- to milk wholesome milk from healthy cows 从健康的母牛身上挤出好奶
- Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy. 咱们别把君主政体奉若神明。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。
- The cow's tail flicked from side to side. 牛尾巴轻轻地左右摇摆。
- Cancer ate away his healthy flesh. 癌症侵害了他健康的肌体。
- A cow or other domestic bovine animal. 家牛牛或其它家养的属于牛属的那种动物
- The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
- Her face glowed with a healthy red sheen. 她的脸上闪着健康的红光。
- Many a good cow hath a bad calf. 好母牛难免产劣犊。
- Farmers keep trying to produce better cattle by mating their strongest bulls with their healthiest cows. 农民一直把他们最壮的公牛和最健康的母牛交配,以求培育出更好的牛种。
- In India the cow is a sacred animal. 在印度,牛是神圣的动物。
- The cow flicked the flies away with its tail. 那头牛轻摆尾巴把苍蝇赶走。
- The child showed a healthy curiosity. 那孩子有好奇心,这是好现象。
- An animal without horns, especially a cow. 无角的动物没有角的动物,尤指母牛
- They have very healthy children. 他们的孩子都很健康。
- It is not healthy for a young guy to stay coop up inside. 年轻小伙子关在房间内是无益于健康的。